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The Fourth Grade Team presents The WRITING PROCESS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fourth Grade Team presents The WRITING PROCESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fourth Grade Team presents The WRITING PROCESS

2 Literacy Blocks

3 Writing Today OMG! Y R U asking me that LOL Hi- BFF cant u remem my bday – im mad at u

4 R U POS LOL BFF E – Z Grip Quik Chek I’m lovin it. Ain’t no mountain high enough C U Irregular English

5 Domains of Writing Usage and Mechanics Composition Written Expression Each one is completely different from the next. All equally important.

6 Standards of Learning Writing Rubric Written Expression Usage & Mechanics Composing

7 Usage & Mechanics Complete sentences Have a clear message. Capitalization Use capitals correctly. Punctuation Check internal and end. Paragraphs Indent, enough sentences Spelling Use a dictionary.

8 Composing Central Idea Stay on topic Elaboration Add details that help the reader see your writing) Organization Have a clear beginning, middle, and end Unity Include a lead that tells the reader your topic and include a close that wraps up your writing)

9 Written Expression Precise Vocabulary Use vivid, colorful words Specific Information Include details to hear, see, smell, taste, or feel Voice Make it sound like you Tone Use details that express feelings Sentence Variety Have long and short sent. with different words

10 How are essays graded? Each paper is graded by the three domains (Composing, Written Expression, Usage and Mechanics) Each domain is graded on a 1-4 scale 1 = Little or No control 2 = Unreasonable Control 3 = Reasonable Control 4 = Consistent Control The three scores are then added up. 0 – 4

11 Writing Prompt Describe a happy moment that you have had in your life.

12 1 – Little or No Control The Happy Memory that I Had WHEN I HAS my BIRTHDAY. I GET MonEy, I go places, geT PRECENTS, my COuSIns come, get CAKE, play games, AnD I HAD fun. That the happy memory I had.

13 2 – Unreasonable Control Hey, My name is Mark Walters. The Happy memory of my life is my birthday. My birthday come once a year. I like my birthday because I get older and I get gifts. My birth is on April 3 rd. My birthday is as fun as rideing a dirt bike. I had to go to school on my birthday. I got a ring and some money so far for my birthday My mom gave me a ring and one of my teacher gave me some money. That is the happies memory of my life

14 3 - Reasonable Control When My Brother Was Born I remember when my mom was peragnet. She was really big. And ate a lot of food. She always watched Ninga Turtels. Well one night she was having pains! My dad was at work. She told me to call him. He came in a flash. We took my mom to the hospital. She had to stay. I was crying. But we went back home. The next day was the day! He was born! His name was James! But he was not breathing when he came.

15 3 - Continued Something was in his throat! The docters got it out! And I heard him crying. I got to see him, he was so cute. He’s two now! And love’s Ninga Turtels! And I never forgot that day.

16 4 – Consistent Control The first time I got up on water skies was on summer vacation in Smith Mountain Lake, 1994. I was 7 years old and so was the boat. We had new skies also. My dad was driving the boat and we went to a cove because the water’s smooth there. It took me 3 or 4 tries but I got up. When I was up my dad looked back to see me and he hit a rock and the propellar and fin was damaged. My dad stoped and I fell because you can’t stay up unless the boat is moving.

17 4 - Continued I swam in the boat and my dad turned off the motor and raised the trim. He saw it and got some tools. He broke off the pieces that were not right. He put the trim down and we went very very slow to a gas station and they put a new propellar on. We didn’t get the fin fixed because the new propellar was $200. After that we went home. 1 year later we found out that the speedometer was broke from the rock. We bought another one and fixed it at the dock. It is important to me because

18 4 - Continued Just last year was the last time I water skied on that boat. And my dad and I evan got to double skie. We just sold our boat to my mom’s sister and got a new boat last month.

19 Thank you for coming Composing Usage and Mechanics Written Expression

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