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 Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)  History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)  All the books are divisible into.

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Presentation on theme: " Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)  History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)  All the books are divisible into."— Presentation transcript:

1  Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)  History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)  All the books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour and the book of all time. (John Ruskin) TOPIC? Reading. Libraries.

2 What I know about books, libraries and the history of printing. What I want to learn about it (filled at the beginning of the lesson). What I have learnt today (filled at the end of the lesson). WHAT ARE WE GOING TO LEARN AT THE LESSON?


4 Bookshelf The city public library of Kansas is the main tourist attraction of Kansas. Its architecture is very unusual. The building looks like a huge bookshelf. “The books” are 8 meters high. They cover one of the walls of the library.

5 The Library of Geisel The Library of Geisel in the university of California in San Diego is the best-known building in the town. This modern library has many floors, 5 of which keep a unique collection of books and research works in the field of space.

6 The library in the jungle Modern libraries are situated not only in the city centre. In the city of Medelien in Columbia the library is situated in the jungle. It stands on the rock and looks like a desert town of some ancient civilization.

7 The Library of Alexandria Many centuries ago the most famous library of the Ancient world was situated in Egypt, Alexandria. It was destroyed by numerous fires but in 2002 a new building of the Library of Alexandria was erected. It goes up from the fresh waters of the swimming pool and has a form of the sun. The Library includes 7 floors, 4 of which are situated underground. It stands opposite the sun, rising above the Mediterranean sea and symbolizes the rise of The Sun of Knowledge.

8 Library resort Recently a new hotel called The library Resort has been opened in Thailand. The hotel is special as it can offer an excellent library, built just near the library. Visitors of this library can read books lying on a chez-long under the palm tree.

9 The black diamond This name is given to the modern building of the Queen Library situated in Copenhagen. Due to its black color it looks extremely extraordinary among other city buildings.

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