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Stacks CISC181 Spring 2004 P. T. Conrad University of Delaware.

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1 Stacks CISC181 Spring 2004 P. T. Conrad University of Delaware

2 stacks: push and pop

3 stack: last in, first out (lifo) 3 only the thing on top of the stack is accessible push: add something on top of the stack pop: remove something from the top of the stack (and return it as the result of the pop operation) initial stack after: push(3) 11 3 after: push(11) -2 11 3 after: push(-2) 11 3 after: pop (returns -2) 7 11 3 after: push(7) 11 3 after: pop (returns 7)

4 "a stack" vs. "the stack" computer systems use lots of stacks –laser printers use stacks to process PostScript –compilers use stacks to convert C++ into a.out –stacks are used to process HTML code "a stack" means "any old stack" but when we say "the stack", we mean a specific one: the "run-time stack" –we use it to keep track of function calls –we use it to store local automatic variables (most variables we've seen so far are local automatic variables)

5 run-time stack call a function: push return from a function: pop main sumSquares squared i n answer i y

6 run-time stack for factorial call a function: push return from a function: pop main fact i=4 x=4 fact i=3 fact i=2 fact i=1... int factorial(int i) { if (i<=1) return 1; else return i * factorial (i – 1); } int main(void) { int x=4; cout << factorial(x); return 0; } return 1 return 2 * 1 = 2 return 3 * 2 = 6 return 4 * 6 = 24 cout << 24;

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