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CrystalWeb Crystals you can play with! Final Report December 7, 2004 Ed Barnard Stephanie Silberstein Frederick Wang Harris Wang

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Presentation on theme: "CrystalWeb Crystals you can play with! Final Report December 7, 2004 Ed Barnard Stephanie Silberstein Frederick Wang Harris Wang"— Presentation transcript:

1 CrystalWeb Crystals you can play with! Final Report December 7, 2004 Ed Barnard Stephanie Silberstein Frederick Wang Harris Wang

2 Introduction crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Motivations Crystals hard to visualize in 2-D space Lack of user-friendly databases Promote interest in crystallography Audience College students studying crystals People interested in materials science Researchers – database capability

3 Objectives crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Website Web-accessible visualizations of 3-D crystals Descriptions and examples of crystal structures Crystal database Provide interactive software tools Software Allow users to build and explore crystals Provide online user manual

4 Site Map crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! HomeDatabaseSoftware Search Results Entries Browse Welcome/ overview Purpose Crystal of the Day! Crystal Lattices Diffraction Fourier Transform Glossary Download Manual Java Info Learn about Crystals

5 Website Technologies crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! HTML dynamically generated using PHP CSS to determine look and feel Browser compatibility MySQL for database storage Image storage and retrieval

6 AtomicControl crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Standalone application for building crystal models Java 1.4 Swing UI Java3D API Windows/Mac/Linux

7 Usability Testing crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Scenario: Returning sophomore (took 3.091, but forgot everything) needed to find answers to a pop quiz on crystallography. Tasks Find general crystallography information Explore rotating crystal structures Download AtomicControl Software

8 Improvements crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Rename toolbar links More detailed descriptions of crystals Enhance visual design and consistency Browser compatibility across all platforms

9 CrystalWeb Demonstration crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! You’re probably wondering…Does it work? Check it out:

10 Member Roles crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Ed: Database, PHP, software Stephanie: Website/graphics design, site content Frederick: Graphics design, database Harris: Project manager, site content, database Prof. Samuel Allen: Faculty Advisor for AtomicControl Project

11 Project Timeline crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! 71421285121926291623307… Brainstorming Skeleton Site Develop Site Usability Testing Finalize Site Project Proposal Progress Report Final Presentation Final Report Future Development Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Today!

12 Summary of Work crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Website  Web-accessible visualizations of 3-D crystals  Descriptions and examples of crystal structures  Crystal database  Provide interactive software tools Software  Allow users to build and explore crystals  Provide online user manual

13 Summary of Work crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! Website Web-accessible visualizations of 3-D crystals Descriptions and examples of crystal structures Crystal database Provide interactive software tools Software Allow users to build and explore crystals Provide online user manual

14 Project Future crystalweb@mit.eduCrystals you can play with! AtomicControl will be part of Ed’s senior thesis Use in classrooms at MIT 3.012, 3.014, 3.091 Addition to Athena and OpenCourseWare site.

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