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Simplicity First: Use of Tools in Undergraduate CS and IS Teaching By David Naugler and Ken Surendran Southeast Missouri State University Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Simplicity First: Use of Tools in Undergraduate CS and IS Teaching By David Naugler and Ken Surendran Southeast Missouri State University Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simplicity First: Use of Tools in Undergraduate CS and IS Teaching By David Naugler and Ken Surendran Southeast Missouri State University Computer Science Department Presenter: Ken Surendran

2 Background Paper resulted form experience in using software tools in CS and IS Recent: Higher level programming courses, Database Management course, Systems Analysis and Design, and Software Engineering (Capstone course). Past: lower level programming courses (programming) and lower level MIS courses (IS).

3 Contents Use of tools in lower level courses. –CS / IS : Programming –IS: Information Systems (Fundamentals and Practice) Possible Side Effects (impacts on learning) Use of tools in higher level courses (Database, Analysis and Design, Software Engineering) Findings Suggestions

4 Tools Types: –Programming Language –Integrated Development Environment –Modeling Products –Database Management Systems –Productivity Packages –Complex Application Packages Range: –Industrial strength –Lighter version

5 Tools in Programming (Programming Environments) Professional tools –Complex –747s; semi-trucks But students are not professionals at that stage Simple (students’ use) –Ready (for Java) Graduated –Dr Scheme (beginner, intermediary, advanced) Makeshift solution –TestPad (syntax awareness)

6 Tools in IS (fundamentals) Early IS courses: Fundamentals and Practices (curriculum guidelines 2003) Use personal productivity packages –Mainly Excel, Access Observations –solve a database problem using spreadsheet; but quickly learn the limitations and change –create tables straightaway, common sense replaces design model

7 Side Effects on Learning Ideas from theory of learning Inadequate mental model –Use of GUI hide what is really happening (use of icon – periphery knowledge) –Creation from whatever is immediately available (hacking – try and see what happens) Designing without a conceptual model –User interface for learning (no conceptual model) is different from user interface for professionals (has the conceptual model knowledge)

8 Upper-level courses (General issues) Wrong emphasis –Focus on producing nice looking diagram –Need to draw them on paper (step-by- step) first to decide the content –Misestimate of effort (when students see just the finished diagrams) Lack of flexibility (during initial stage) –Interface designs using tools (story- boarding on paper convenient for user to review)

9 Database (Survey results) End of course survey: 30% students wanted to learn more tools related material and only 5% wanted more concepts (rest wanted neither). Yet, 70% found normalization difficult SQL easy (70%) and least important (40%); design most important (50%) Learning tools more important than concepts (prefer short useful life versus lasting value) Learn Access without due regard for design

10 Analysis and Design (Performance) Running project with four phases No complex case tools Used Visio (MS) for modeling diagrams Focus was on concept Good process model; not so good data model (more errors). Reverse engineering using Access

11 Capstone courses Software Engineering Encouraged to use different tools: Rational Rose, MS Project. Able to pick up on their own with minimum support Object-relational paradigm shift. Some used JDBC (learnt themselves) Clearly demonstrated ability to use tools on their own.

12 Tools and system artifacts Project Plan (MS PM) Rational Rose for –Use case diagram (use case descriptions) –Interaction diagram (Collaboration, Sequence) –Analysis class diagram –Package and class diagrams Complete Use case model Analysis and design mechanisms ERD, Database schema I/O design (GUI) Test case design

13 Implementation Tools TextPad (for code writing) Java SDK and JavaHelp (freeware utilities) HelpBreeze (a free trial program for automatic help) InstallAnywhere Now v. 4.5 (for installation by user) JDBC and JDBC-ODBC bridge

14 Precautions in using tools Complex tools (from teaching) – hidden costs (staff time; training cost; implementation cost) Complex tools (from students point of view) –Steep learning curve (so use in more courses) Academic neutrality ( tool an item in the overall course; info on other tools) Education (life long) or training (short term)

15 Conclusions Concepts and tools are needed; but balance is critical Lower level courses –Avoid too many tools –Use same tool in several courses Upper level courses –Encourage use of tools –More time on concepts; very little on tools –Capable of learning by themselves.

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