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Published byLoreen Davidson Modified over 9 years ago
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC1 Studies of QCD Matter at the Large Hadron Collider Russell Betts UIC
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC2 Experimental Study of Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collisions BNL AGS (1986) s NN 5 GeV/u O+O, Si+Si, Au+Au CERN SPS (1986) s NN 20 GeV/u O+A, Pb+Pb BNL RHIC (2000) s NN 200 GeV/u Au+Au, d+Au, Cu+Cu
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC3 What Do Multiplicities Teach Us? Time Evolution of Collisions 0 fm/c 2 fm/c 7 fm/c >7 fm/c Parton Distributions Nuclear Geometry Nuclear Shadowing Parton Production & Reinteraction Chemical Freezeout & Quark Recombination Jet Fragmentation Functions Hadron Rescattering Thermal Freezeout & Hadron Decays QCD Matter
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC4 Energy Dependence of Particle Production Models prior to RHIC dN/d Lower than Most Expectations Scales with N part (not N coll ) N Tot ~ 8000 + Average Transverse Energy Energy density ~5 GeV fm –3 (Nucleon ~ 0.3 GeV fm –3 ) Partonic Degrees of Freedom
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC5 Exploring the Phase Diagram Exploring the Phase Diagram Lattice QCD T and B from Thermal Model Fits to Particle Ratios AGS T=125 MeV B = 540 MeV SPS T=170 MeV B = 270 MeV RHIC T=170 MeV B = 27 MeV T crit ~ 150 MeV
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC6 Results for Collective (Elliptic) Flow Reaction plane x z y Hydrodynamic Limit of Flow at RHIC Strongly Interacting Fluid sQGP wQGP
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC7 High p T Suppression (Medium Effect) Suppression of High p T Particles Relative to pp Reference Absorption of Away-Side Jet STAR
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC8 Gluon Saturation Effects n Small x & Large A n Large occupation number n Coherent state n Saturation momentum Q s (x) Suppression at Forward Rapidity (Small x) – Evidence for Gluon Saturation – Color Glass Condensate x Brahms d+Au
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC9 Summary of RHIC Results n The Matter is Surprisingly Strongly (Re)Interacting l Slow Growth of Multiplicity with Energy ( NOT N coll *pp) l Chemical Equilibrium of Hadronic Species l Very Large “Flow” – Hydrodynamic Limit l Strong Suppression of Particles with Relatively High p T (Not in Cold Matter of d+Au) l Saturation Effects at Small x n Much Still to Do: l Quarkonium Studies – Color Screening l Particle Correlations vs Collision Geometry l Modification of Fragmentation Functions l Etc etc etc …………………… Rare Probes Need Increased L or sqrt(s) RHIC II (New Detectors) ($$$$) or LHC
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC10 CERN Large Hadron Collider √s NN (TeV) L 0 (cm -2 s -1 ) /L 0 (%) Run time (s/year) geom (b) 14.010 34 * 10 7 0.07 5.510 27 70-50 10 6 * * 7.7 pp Pb+Pb
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC11 A New Viewpoint for QCD Matter at LHC Factor 30 Higher sqrt(s) than RHICFactor 30 Higher sqrt(s) than RHIC Initial state dominated by low-x components.Initial state dominated by low-x components. Abundant production of variety of perturbatively produced high p T particles for detailed studiesAbundant production of variety of perturbatively produced high p T particles for detailed studies Higher initial energy density state with longer time in QGP phaseHigher initial energy density state with longer time in QGP phase Access to new regions of xAccess to new regions of x J/ Z0Z0Z0Z0
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC12 CMS at the LHC
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC13 The CMS Central Region MUON BARREL CALORIMETERS Silicon Microstrips Pixels ECAL Scintillating PbWO4 crystals Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Drift Tube Chambers (DT) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) SUPERCONDUCTING COIL IRON YOKE TRACKER MUON ENDCAPS Total weight : 12,500 t Overall diameter : 14.6 m Overall length : 21.6 m Magnetic field : 4 Tesla HCAL Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC14 CMS Detector (Augmented) CASTOR T2 Collarshielding Forward Detectors (5.32 < < 6.86) TOTEM ZDC (z = 140 m) Beams EM HAD
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC15 Particle Detection in CMS
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC16 CMS – Above and Below Ground
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC17 SX5 and UXC CMS caverns inaugurated Feb. 1 st 2005 250,000 m 3 material removed Main cavern dimensions: 53m x 27m x 24m Modular design can be fully assembled and tested in surface hall (SX5), then lowered into experimental cavern (UX5) within 4 months Frank Wilczek
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC18 Pixels Barrel: 3 layers Forward: 2 layers 100x150 m 2 pixels Microstrips Barrel: 10 layers (single- and double-sided) Forward: 9 layers 1 GeV central track ~ 15 hits Overall 210 m 2 of silicon | | < 2.4 2.4 m 48M pixels 5.4 m Silicon Inner Tracker 10M strips
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC19 Si Strip Modules
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC20 Tracker Inner Barrel Assembly
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC21 ECAL (PbWO4 - APD Readout)
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC22 ECAL Assembly Dee 138 Supercrystals 36 Supermodules 4 Dees
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC23 HCAL
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC24 HCAL HF in Bat. 186. Start ‘burn-in’ of both HF in mid-2005 First elements to be lowered into UX Shells for HE readout boxes installed. HB source calibrated by May-2005 HE- by Aug 2005, HE+ by Nov 2005
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC25 Muon System
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC26 Barrel Muon System AACHEN(MB1) 59/70 end in Sept CIEMAT(MB2) 54/70 end in Sept LEGNARO(MB3) 56/70 end in Dec TORINO(MB4) 6/40 end in Apr. 06 Yoke wheel YB+2: 34 chambers installed
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC27 Endcap Muon System
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC28 Status and Schedule Civil Engineering: USC delivered Aug 04, UXC delivered Feb 05. Civil Engineering is off the Critical Path Magnet: All 5 coil modules are at CERN. Swivelling in June 2005. End electrical tests by end-05. HCAL, Muons : Construction on schedule and well advanced. TO WATCH: ECAL: Crystals production, contracts ready to be placed with two vendors. Need to generate float in ‘ready for installation’ (rfi) milestone. TRACKER: Rate of assembly of modules, schedule and integration. Need to generate float in rfi. CMS* initial detector will be ready and closed for beam on 1 July 2007. *ECAL Endcaps and Pixels will be installed during Winter 2007 shutdown in time for physics run in 2008. Heavy Ions in 2008
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC29 Heavy Ion Physics with CMS Adana-Turkey, Athens, Basel, CERN, Demokritos, Dubna, Ioannina, Kent State, KFKI Budapest, Kiev, LANL, Lyon, MIT, Moscow, Mumbai, N. Zealand, Ohio, Protvino, PSI, Rice, Sofia, Strasbourg, Tbilisi, UC Davis, UIC, U. Iowa, U Kansas, Warsaw, Yerevan
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC30 Detector Coverage Large Range of Hermetic Coverage in , x and Q 2 Unique Forward Capability Abundant High p T Probes, Jets, J/ , , Z 0
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC31 Tracker in HI Environment Tracker ECAL Central Pb+Pb Event dN/d =5000 (HIJING+OSCAR+IGUANA) >50,000 Charged Particles – BUT Pixels are <2% Occupied (Key to Successful Tracking)
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC32 Preliminary Pixels have High Granularity, Located near Interaction Region (r 1 = 4 cm) Use Summed Pulse Height Measurement in Reconstructed Clusters to Remove Hits from Background Sources (Secondaries, Looping Tracks) Can Measure Very Low p T Particles Charged Multiplicity: dN ch /d a la PHOBOS Single layer hit counting in innermost pixel barrel layer cosh dependence of SumADC Chadd Smith
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC33 Track Reconstruction p T resolution ( p T /p T ) impact parameter | | < 0.7 efficiency and fakes HIJING + GEANT + ORCA – C. Roland Track finder based on Kalman filtering method Algorithms exist for primary vertex finding, seed generation, track propagation, trajectory smoothing, and regional tracking High reconstruction efficiency and low fake rate even at high track density
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC34 100 GeV Jet + Pb+Pb Event EM+Hadronic Energy Hijing + 100 GeV Jet Pair
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC35 HIJING (generator level, acceptance of HF and CASTOR) - C.Teplov Global Physics from Calorimeter HF ETET CASTOR E tot Impact Parameter Correlation with Calorimeter Flow from Azimuthal Asymmetry <Day 1 Measurement sQGP or wQGP ??
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC36 Jet Reconstruction -Resolution Measured Energy -Resolution Efficiency, Purity Energy resolution Sliding Jet Cone Algorithm Used for Background Subtraction Energy Resolution for 100 GeV Jets is 16% PYTHIA (100 GeV jet) + HIJING (PbPb, dN/d =5000) + full GEANT - I. Vardanyan, O.Kodolova
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC37 Jet Fragmentation Longitudinal momentum fraction z along the thrust axis of a jet: p T relative to thrust axis: Using ECAL clusters~ 0 in CMS Fragmentation function for 100 GeV Jets embedded in dN/dy ~5000 events. Use charged particles and electromagnetic clusters C. Roland P.Yepes
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC38 Balancing or Z 0 vs Jets Estimated Event Samples in 1 month Pb+Pb at 10 27 cm -2 s -1 , Z 0 jet
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC39 J/ family = 60 MeV Quarkonia in CMS Pb+PbKr+KrAr+Ar L 10 27 7×10 28 10 30 J/ 28.7k470k2200k ´´ 0.8k12k57k 22.6k320k1400k ´´ 12.4k180k770k ´´ 7k100k440k Yield/month (with 50% duty factor)
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC40 Data Acquisition and Trigger Two-level DAQ/Trigger architecture L1: Low-level hardware trigger Muon track segments Calorimetric towers No tracker info Output rate = few-10 kHz HLT: online farm Replaces traditional L2, L3, etc. Refit muon and calorimeter information, and add tracker info Output rate = 50 Hz Data rate approx. 2-5 MB/event (vs. 1 MB for pp) 100-200 MB/second written to tape TypicalCMS L1 HLT
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC41 Main Types of Trigger Required by Physics multiplicity/centrality:”min-bias”, “central-only” high p T probes: muons, jets, photons, quarkonia etc. High Occupancy but Low Luminosity many low level trigger objects may be present, but less isolated than in p+p. Level 1 may be difficult for high p T particles L1 in AA has larger backgrounds than in pp due to underlying event we can read most of the events up to High Level Trigger and do partial High Level Trigger can do a better job than L1 ! High Level Trigger (HLT)
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC42 Illustration Of Online Farm Power: Low p T J/ψ n Detection of low p T J/ψ requires efficient selection of low momentum, forward going muons. Simple hardware L1 dimuon trigger is not sufficient L1 trigger Two 60 Hz L2 triggerNone60 Hz L3 triggerNone60 Hz J/ψ p T >3 GeV/c L1 trigger Single ~2 kHz L2 trigger Re-fit 70 Hz L3 triggerMatch tracker <40 Hz J/ψ p T >1 GeV/c Without online farm (HLT) With online farm (HLT) See CMS Analysis Note 2004/02 Online farm pTpT Improvement Acceptance x2.5
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC43 CASTOR Coverage n Near Hermetic coverage (out to |η|<7 with CASTOR) n Physics l Centrality l Nuclear PDFs - particularly gluon distributions l Momentum fractions x ~ 10 -6 – 10 -7 at scales of a few GeV 2 in pp l Diffractive processes (10-20% of total cross section at high energies) l Limiting Fragmentation l Peripheral and Ultra-Peripheral collisions l DCC, Centauros, Strangelets …… ZDC (5.32 < η < 6.71) (5.32 < η < 6.86) Forward Detectors: CASTOR and TOTEM (z = 140 m)
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC44 CASTOR Prototype and Tests
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC45 100 cm of space available (9.6 x 12.5 x 100 cm) Quartz fiber/tungsten plates EM section segmented horizontally, HAD section longitudinally Luminosity detector in 2 nd 10 cm Improves resolution at large b Readout through HF electronics – signals available for L1 trigger b 2R ~ 15 fm Zero Degree Calorimetry for CMS Beam pipe splits ~140 m from IR Beams Spectators Participant Region HAD EM Lum
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC46 ZDC Simulations 1 TeV Neutron hits ZDC Megan Lehnherr, Michael Murray, Chadd Smith + Daniel Elvira, Boaz Klima Early product of FNAL LHC Physics Center
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC47 People and Institutions n Russia: Moscow State University, Dubna n France: Lyon n Georgia: Tbilisi n Hungary: KFKI Budapest n India: Mumbai n New Zealand: Auckland n Greece: Athens, Demokritos, Ioannina n USA NP: Rice, UC Davis, Kent State, LANL, MIT, Ohio, UIC, U Iowa, U Kansas n Turkey, Adana n In general: increased interest due to developments at RHIC and our progress in evaluation of capabilities n Presently ~15-20 people involved directly in studies/discussions etc. n Expect to grow to ~100 by the time LHC starts, ~50 from the US, including PostDocs and Graduate Students
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC48 US Funding Progress ( I ) n Slow Negotiations with DoE Nuclear Physics l RHIC is large piece of nuclear physics budget l Daily difficulties with supporting the program, competing needs of different experiments, HI vs spin pp program etc – even before FY06 budget !! l BUT: there is a need to plan for the future: u RHIC luminosity upgrades u Detector upgrades, possible new detectors u LHC proposals: ALICE, ATLAS, CMS n 2004 NSAC was asked to form a sub-committee to evaluate whole relativistic heavy ion program. l Recommendation #2 – “The LHC will open up a new regime in relativistic heavy- ion physics with significant opportunities for new discoveries. The Subcommittee recommends that: l Participation in the LHC should become a new component of the US Heavy Ion program l This participation should receive comparable investment priority with each of the two near term upgrade programs for the two large RHIC detectors”
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC49 US Funding Progress ( II ) n US DoE Nuclear Physics Request l People and equipment for High Level Trigger farms ($3.9M) l Construction of ZDC ~$0.4M l Permission to participate in the program (~30 PhD+15 GS by 2007) l Later M&O with main “service” contribution going towards DAQ/HLT/Computing n The FY06 Budget l NP –8.4%. RHIC small experiments terminated. Running threatened. l NSAC Panel to revisit Long Range Plan – June Report? n But they didn’t say NO ! l Michael Murray (U Kansas) gets NSF Career Award to prototype CMS ZDCs l NP groups allowed to reprogram operating funds to underwrite CMS activities. n We are optimistic and believe that CMS offers the BEST possibilities for exciting heavy ion physics with the LHC
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC50 Summary and Outlook LHC will Extend Energy Range - in Particular High p T Reach - of HI Physics to Provide a New Window on QCD Matter CMS Detector offers Superb Capabilities l Full calorimeter coverage l Superior momentum resolution due to 4T magnetic field l High mass resolution for quarkonia l Centrality, multiplicity, spectra, energy flow to very low p T l No modification to detector hardware l New High Level Trigger (HLT) algorithms for HI l Zero Degree Calorimeter, CASTOR and TOTEM provide unique access to forward physics
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC51 Capital Budgets YEAREngineers DAQEquip. DAQEngineers ZDCEquip. ZDCTotal FY0527530000575 FY06300770202101300 FY07290124001701700 FY0823047000700 FY0900000 FY1000000 Total10952780203804275 Online Farm and ZDC Capital Equipment costs in k$ Software Professionals (2) Infrastructure and Processors (1/4 of On-Line Farm) ZDC Engineering Prototyping, Testing Construction and Installation
May 26th, 2005Russell Betts - UIC52 Operating Budgets YEARPhDsCat ACat BTravelComputingTotal FY055180195087 FY061055038100193 FY0720154575350584 FY08302765113350744 FY093030630113350798 FY10303215113350789 Maintenance and Operation Costs in k$ Cat A – Yearly Running Costs (per PhD) – Fixed by CMS Cat B – Maintenance and Repair – NB Not for DAQ/HLT Travel – Incremental to Current Operating Budgets of Groups Computing – Processors and Storage for HI Data Analysis CMS Virtual Control Room and Physics Analysis Center at FNAL
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