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Home Learning Please see the attached letter regarding home learning. If you require any further information or have any questions please feel free to.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Learning Please see the attached letter regarding home learning. If you require any further information or have any questions please feel free to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Learning Please see the attached letter regarding home learning. If you require any further information or have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Su Carey. WEST DOWN SCHOOL HALF-TERM NEWSLETTER March 2015 Check out our website: CLUBS Guitar, Keyboard, Woodwind, Drums and Violin lessons will continue next term. Football club – This will continue to run on a Tuesday after school. Film club - Unfortunately this club will not continue next term. Craft Club – This will continue to run on a Tuesday next term. Multisports – This will continue to run run on a Thursday next term. Please fill in the attached club letter and return it to the school office as soon as possible. Thank you. SWIMMING Swimming has now finished for the school year. The children have had great time using the new facilities at Ilfracombe Pool and all of the children have worked really hard. Things to remember Hopefully it will be warm and sunny when we return to school after the holidays! All children will need a named sun hat and water bottle in school every day after Easter. If you feel that your child needs sun cream please apply it before bringing your child into school. If it needs to be re- applied during the day please teach your child how to apply the cream properly and provide clearly named cream for your child to bring into school. We will assume your child as on the all day sun protection if they do not bring any into school. Girls should wear shorts or leggings under summer dresses or skirts so that they can continue to roll and climb whilst maintaining their modesty! Alternatively, girls can wear shorts and a T- shirt following the school colours or might prefer a red gingham blouse and grey or black shorts. Your child may wear sandals as long as their toes are enclosed. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Mon 13 th AprilBack to School Wed 15 th AprilRNLI Visiting School Wed 22 nd AprilYear 3 Inspire afternoon at 2pm Tues 28 th April Swimming Gala at Ilfracombe Pool Wed 29 th AprilYear 4 Inspire afternoon 2pm Mon 4 th MayBank Holiday 11 th - 15 th MayYear 6 Sats week Fri 22 nd MayOak Class First Aid Training Fri 22 nd MayLast day at School Mon 1 st JuneBack to School Thurs 23 rd JulyLast day at School Thurs 3 rd SeptBack to School NEWS LAMBING TRIPS A big thank you to the Hookway’s, David Chugg and Anna Wakefield for letting all of our children visit their farms. The children were mesmerised and delighted to see the lovely lambs. Gareth and David did a fantastic job of telling us all about their job and how they look after the lambs. Cherry Red Team, Willow and Oak class even saw a lamb being born! Many children now have a lamb on their wish list for a new pet! WORLD BOOK DAY – 5 th March Everyone enjoyed our world book day. It was fantastically supported by all parents who helped their child dress up as their favourite book character. RED NOSE DAY – PAINT YOUR FACE FUNNY A big thank you to all children that came into school with their face painted funny for Red Nose Day. We raised a brilliant £49.80 for charity. INSPIRE AFTERNOONS The children in Maple class have once again enjoyed having their adults alongside them in the classroom to share in the school experience. Oak and Willow class are looking forward to theirs in the new term. PTFA NEWS Band Night - 13 th March Band night was a great success! Everyone had a great time and a fantastic £375.00 was raised!. The bands were brilliant. Thank you to Jose and the Hot Dog’s, Joe Steer and Falling Apart. A big thank you to all those that came to support our school. We are hoping that there will be another band night later in the year! Movie and popcorn evenings The movie evening's are proving to be a great success. The children are very well behaved and we are hoping to put on a few more throughout the rest of the school year. Madhatters Tea Party Thank you to all that made really brilliant hats for our Mad Hatters Tea Party. The winning hats were made by Eva Reading in Oak class, Amber Kentell in Willow, Matilda Reading in Maple and George Isaac in Cherry. Well done to those children! We would also like to thank all of you that made cakes for this event. A whopping £100 was made! E-SAFETY TIP To protect your child from inappropriate material on the internet make sure you are using parental controls. Contact your internet provider if you require any further information. Fun local events On the 9 th April you can meet a historic Barber Surgeon at Barnstaple Library. They will talking about the history of medicine through the ages, including blood and gore! For ages 8+ £2 per child, please call to book. Dogs Trust - Easter Woodland Walk and Treasure Hunt 12-2.30pm on the 1 st April. This event is free. Please ensure that bun money is up to date for the new term. Next half term is 6 weeks long less a bank holiday so that’s £8.70 per child. PARKING Please remember to park in a safe place when dropping and collecting your child to and from school. Do not reverse or park by the school entrance. Can we remind you that there is a car park in Thorne Park just a few minutes walk away from school. WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY GOODBYE AND HAPPY RETIREMENT TO MRS JANE BOND. WE WISH HER WELL FOR THE FUTURE. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK!

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