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FALL 2012 SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 Alpha Phi Omega. President WELCOME BACK! :) Active Requirements Committee Preferences Send in Associate letters to

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1 FALL 2012 SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 Alpha Phi Omega

2 President WELCOME BACK! :) Active Requirements Committee Preferences Send in Associate letters to by Saturday, September 8 at 9pm Send APO related mail to: 1301 N. Park Street Bloomington, IL 61701 APO Impact Live Schedule Email problems Membership Academy - Lindsay & Katie Exec Board - Sundays at 9pm

3 Dates to Remember Rush Week - NOW! :) Fall APO LEADS Day at Illinois State University - September 29 Last day to turn in Dues - October 2 ($40) Fall Section Service Project at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - October 20 Pledge Ceremony - September 18 Fall Section 50 Conference at Parkland College - November 2-3 National Service Week - November 4-10 Initiation - November 13 Last Meeting - December 4

4 Appointed Positions Alumni Chair Chaplain Historian Student Senate Liaison National Service Week Chair Webmaster *All appointed positions will receive 3 leadership points upon the completion of their work. (At the discretion of the executive board) *Please fill out the application and hand it in to me or email it to by Sunday, September 9 at

5 Service Events Sign up to sort books at the Bloomington Public Library, this Saturday, September 8 th Interested in helping promote clean water in Bloomington? Which day is best for us to work with EAC? We Care Twin Cities Marathon is September 28th and 29th. LEADS is the 29th, would we be interested in doing both days or just the 28th? Easter Seals Run the Woods: Sat Oct. 6th, 7am-11am, 4 shifts

6 Rush Week Please come to remaining rush week events; actives must attend at least one rush event: WEDNESDAY SEPT 5 TH:  Info Session 2 The Underground, 7 PM  APO Service Event The Underground, 8 PM THURSDAY SEPT. 6 th:  Bonfire and S’mores Fire Pit between Pfeiffer and Ferg, 8 PM

7 Pledge Parents! If interested in being a pledge parent, sign up during chapter or email me at I will send out questionnaires to help pair up pledge kids and parents this week to anyone interested. Pledge parents must be willing to attend a minimum of 3 pledge meetings, maintain contact with pledge kid at least once a week, attend a minimum of one service event and one fellowship event with pledge kid, and give a gift (letters) at

8 Pledge Committee Fall 2012 APO Pledge Committee Requirements (Thursdays 8 pm): Attend at least 2 Rush Week Events Come to all of the Pledge Meetings Help pass out/grade quizzes, take attendance, help with the activities, etc.

9 Leadership- Event Coordinator Requirements for Events Coordinator Check apoonline to get a list of everyone that signed up for the event. Make sure to have an attendance sheet at the event. Email the people that did not show up for the event to find out what happened. Send an email to indicating the people that signed up for the event, those that showed up for the event and those that didn’t (with their reasons for being absent) and attach a feedback sheet. The feedback is due 72 hours after the event. If this deadline is not met, the Event coordinator will not receive any leadership points.

10 Leadership Points APO exec board – 5 leadership points LEADS day (Sept 29 at ISU) – 4 points Leadership position in a nationally recognized organization (Sororities, Fraternities...)– 4 points Leadership position in an IWU club – 3 points Appointed Position – 3 points Pledge Parent – 2 points Webinars – 1 point Events Coordinator – 1 point Greeters at Pledge Meetings – 1 point Other Leadership events – determined on a case by case basis by the Leadership Committee.

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