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Generation & Trading CIST REGIONAL ENERGY MARKET IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE (REM) 3rd South East Europe Energy Week – 1 to 4 th June 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Generation & Trading CIST REGIONAL ENERGY MARKET IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE (REM) 3rd South East Europe Energy Week – 1 to 4 th June 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generation & Trading CIST REGIONAL ENERGY MARKET IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE (REM) 3rd South East Europe Energy Week – 1 to 4 th June 2004

2 Generation & Trading CIST REM GRID CODE Project

3 Generation & Trading CIST Contents Deliverables of the Project: Project Organisation: Feedback and Outcome of the first Steering Committee The Expected Project Schedule

4 Generation & Trading CIST Deliverables Report on each national data collection A Regional Grid Code Recommendations for the countries which have already a Grid Code A national Grid Code adapted from the REM Grid Code, for the countries which have not one

5 Generation & Trading CIST Planning Code Organisation for system development planning System reliability assessment Prerequisite for network facilities and generation unit equipment Data Exchange

6 Generation & Trading CIST Condition for power transmission Grid customer Condition for Generating unit Condition for Interconnection Connection Conditions

7 Generation & Trading CIST Project Organisation First Steering Committee (held in Paris on March 30th 2004)  Submission of the methodology Second Steering Committee:  Submission of the Rem Grid Code draft Third Steering Committee:  Submission of the final Rem Grid Code, the recommendations and the National Grid Codes

8 Generation & Trading CIST Project Organisation TWO WORKSHOPS HAVE BEEN PLANNED Held in Paris One week each After the Second and Third Steering Committee Two representatives of each country Each Country is in charge to select their own representatives And is free to submit proposals for each Workshops

9 Generation & Trading CIST First Workshops Presentation of the Rem Grid Code draft Examples of Electricity Market: France Nordpool Germany

10 Generation & Trading CIST Second Workshops Presentation of the final Rem Grid Code Presentation of the main recommendation for each country Examples of implementation: Centrel countries South America

11 Generation & Trading CIST FEEDBACK AND OUTCOME

12 Generation & Trading CIST Questionnaire REM Grid Code Approval UCTE Operational Handbook Confidentiality Counterparts’ role in the Project Feedback

13 Generation & Trading CIST Counterparts Data collection Outcome

14 Generation & Trading CIST Week 18: Romania Team leader: Frédéric ALBOUY Week 21: Albania Team leader: Jean-Yves BUSSON Week 22: Montenegro Week 32: Kosovo Week 18: Croatia Team leader: Laurent TOURRES Week 25: Bosnia & Herzegovina Week XX: Serbia Week 20: Macedonia Team leader: Philippe RUSSE Week 21: Bulgaria Week 29: Turkey Data Collection


16 Generation & Trading CIST Dates for the Workshops  First Workshop: Mid September  Second Workshop: Mid December

17 Generation & Trading CIST The data collection has been completed in July REM Grid Code draft: End of July Drafting of the final REM Grid Code: End of November Drafting of the National Grid Code: End of November Clarification of the recommendation: End of October - December New Work Plan

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