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The 2 main functions of the male reproductive system are to make sperm and deliver it to the females body.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2 main functions of the male reproductive system are to make sperm and deliver it to the females body."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2 main functions of the male reproductive system are to make sperm and deliver it to the females body.

2 A little girl is born with all the eggs she will ever have. Approximately 400-500,000 eggs are present at birth and are housed in the ovaries. One egg is called an ovum. Multiple are ova.

3 The male reproductive system may have problems some times. They might be testicular cancer for younger men between the ages of 14 and 40. Prostrate problems and cancer for older men. Sterility– the inability to reproduce due too few sperm or low quality sperm.

4 Inguinal hernia may also me another problem. This occurs when part of the intestine pushes through part of the abdominal wall.

5 Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes.

6 The scrotum houses the testicles. Sperm is made every day when puberty starts. Sperm is in the testicles. Sperm need to be slightly below body temperature so they can stay alive.

7 Sometimes the endometrium grows outside of the uterus. This a problem for women. It causes discomfort and sometimes sterility. Other problems of the female reproductive system Ovarian cysts (fluid filled sacs on the ovaries).

8 PID- pelvic inflammatory Disease which can be caused by STI’s. such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. TSS is another problem of the female reproductive system. It is a rare bacterial condition that is caused by not changing tampons often enough.

9 Chlamydia sometimes called the “silent epidemic” as it does not always have symptoms that men or women notice. It can cause infertility

10 Abstinence is the only way to 100% prevent pregnancy or STI’s.

11 Emotional distress, unwanted pregnancies, loss of self confidence and self esteem can all be negative consequences of sexual activity that teens are not prepared for.

12 Some STI’s are incurable. HPV- HumanPapolova Virus(genital warts) HIV- Human Immune Virus that leads to AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

13 Herpes and Hepatitis C

14 Gametes are reproductive cells. Sperm and Ovum

15 The female ovaries job is to house the 400,000+ eggs. Another job is to once a month to release a mature egg. Ovaries also produce estrogen- the female sex hormone.

16 The cervix is the opening to the uterus. Once a woman becomes sexually active or is at age 21 women should have routine Pap smears to test for cervical cancer. Routine depends upon your history but most often 1 time every 3 years is what is routine.

17 The testicles make the male sex hormone testosterone.

18 A baby grows in the uterus if a fertilized egg is deposited there. If an unfertilized egg arrives to the uterus the uterus lining called the endometrium is shed. This endometrium is needed to nourish a developing embryo, fetus.

19 Women have more options of birth control methods than men. Why? A women’s reproductive system is more complex than a male reproductive system.

20 There are hormonal methods such as the birth control pill, implants, shots, patches. There are physical barrier methods such as condoms, and diaphragms for women.

21 Some methods of birth control are permanent options. For men a vasectomy is permanent and for women getting the Fallopian tubes tied or a Hysterectomy.

22 fertilization Hc

23 Ovulation SHdxQ

24 Development 4-8 weeks Bs Bs EPSODE 3 0g

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