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The Role of State Lobbyists and Interest Groups in the Public Policy Process Deborah Hohlt Federal Representative, State of Indiana.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of State Lobbyists and Interest Groups in the Public Policy Process Deborah Hohlt Federal Representative, State of Indiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of State Lobbyists and Interest Groups in the Public Policy Process Deborah Hohlt Federal Representative, State of Indiana

2 2 Why Do States Need a DC Office? Show Me the Money IN General Fund Expenses FY 2010

3 DC Office “Voice of the Governor” in advocating and lobbying state interests – Legislation – Regulations “Eyes and ears” of the Governor in monitoring federal actions that help or hinder State’s interests

4 Key Roles and Office Functions Primary Clients – Governor – Lt. Governor – Cabinet Secretaries and State Agencies – State Treasurer, Secretary of State, Supt. Of Public Education – Businesses with State Operations – NGOs with State Operations

5 Key Roles and Office Functions Primary Customers – Indiana Congressional Delegation – Republican Leadership on Capitol Hill – Obama Administration White House staff Cabinet Agencies – Opinion Leaders Think Tanks Talking Heads – National Media/Columnists

6 Effective DC Directors Make your role clear to others Keep in touch with the mother ship Act as an information conduit Build bipartisan support Collaborate with others (NGA and other DC Directors) for assistance

7 Rules of the Road Know Your Governor and his/her style and priorities Follow the State press; local issues; know your audience on the Hill Create a list of top priorities for the State and stay focused

8 Coalitions National Governors Association Midwest Governors Association Republican Governors Association

9 Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (R) Courage Vision Results

10 Governor Mitch Daniels (R-IN) First elected November 2004 Re-elected in a landslide victory, November 2008 2008 Governing Public Official of the Year recognizing achievements Manhattan Institute's 2008 Innovator Award for creative public policy initiatives Results Oriented: Daniels talked about "change" in 2003 before "change" was cool

11 Major Results 2006 -- Lease of the Indiana Toll Road, the largest privatization of public infrastructure in the United States to date, generating nearly $4 billion for reinvestment in the state’s record breaking 10-year transportation and infrastructure program. 2007 -- Enactment of the Healthy Indiana Plan to provide healthcare coverage for uninsured Hoosier adults 2008 -- Sweeping property tax reform resulted in the biggest tax cut in Indiana history.

12 Major Federal Issues Disaster Recovery ($1B) Economic Stimulus ($4B) Health Care Reform ($3B) Cap & Trade ($$$$) Transportation ($1B) Education Welfare Modernization Healthy Indiana Plan Medicaid Regulations Unemployment Insurance/Workforce Training Regs National Guard Issues

13 Governor Daniels' statement about the U.S. Senate health care bill "I'm discouraged, dispirited, and disappointed. Discouraged that such a backwards, anti-taxpayer disaster of a bill is this close to passage. Dispirited at a gross process of vote-buying and special deals that borders on corrupt. And severely disappointed that any of our delegation would vote for such an anti- Indiana measure. "Let's nurture the hope that somehow the public will be heard before our nation makes such a terrible mistake."

14 State tax increases since beginning of recession Source: State Tax Notes, various news clips States where taxes may be going up States that have raised taxes 14

15 Projects located in 81 counties Nearly 80% within 10 miles of interstate More than half from existing Indiana companies Approx. half in cities/towns of < 25K New Jobs & Investment, Record Breaking Years * As of 10/06/09

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