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International Congress and Convention Association ALL ABOUT ICCA! Marianne Korten 11 th ICCRM Sevilla, Spain 7-9 July 2005

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Presentation on theme: "International Congress and Convention Association ALL ABOUT ICCA! Marianne Korten 11 th ICCRM Sevilla, Spain 7-9 July 2005"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Congress and Convention Association ALL ABOUT ICCA! Marianne Korten 11 th ICCRM Sevilla, Spain 7-9 July 2005

2 Content 1.Introduction 2.Opportunities : 1.Business 2.Education 3.Networking 4.Promotion 3.The ICCRM: 1. Benefits 2. Structure

3 What is ICCA? International Congress & Convention Association Founded in 1963. World’s leading organisation representing suppliers to the global meetings and events market. Membership of almost 700 companies in 80 countries A unique network of meeting professionals with the common aim of maximising business opportunities and raising standards. 1. Introduction

4 "ICCA is the global community for the meetings industry, enabling its members to generate and maintain significant competitive advantage." 1. Introduction Mission Statement

5 ICCA's working philosophy "Fast, simple, needs-based, flexible." ICCA is committed to providing business advantages for all its members: Minimal bureaucracy. Anticipation of market threats & opportunities. Listening to the real, individual needs of members. 1. Introduction

6 Global membership and service ICCA Head Office: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Asia Pacific Office: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Latin America Office: Montevideo, Uruguay North America Office: New Jersey, USA In total: 30 staff worldwide. 1. Introduction

7 ICCA covers all supplier segments to the international meetings industry A - Travel agents/DMC's B - Airlines & Alliances C - Professional Congress Organisers (PCO's) D – Convention & Visitors Bureaux and Tourist Boards E - Meeting Information & Technical Specialists F - Meetings Hotels G - Congress, Convention & Exhibition Centres Each category has an elected seat on the ICCA Board of Directors 1. Introduction

8 ICCA Board of Directors Mr. Christian Mutschlechner President Austria Mr. Leigh Harry 1st Vice President Australia Mr. Lars Christensen 2nd Vice President Denmark Mr. Eduardo Sanovicz 3rd Vice President Brazil Ms. Tuula Lindberg Immediate Past President Finland Mr. Fernando Betanzos Member Mexico Ms. Margarete Gamauf Member Austria Mr. Jurriaen Sleijster Member Switzerland Mrs. Anne Wallin Rodven Member Norway Mr. Lutz Vogt Member Germany Mr. Tom Hulton Member United Kingdom Mr. Arnaldo Nardone Member Uruguay Mr. Martin Sirk Chief Executive Officer The Netherlands Board of Directors

9 Focus on business Leading data source international association meetings market. ICCA Intelligence Face-to-face client contact. IMEX & EIBTM other tradeshows. Client-supplier workshops 1. Introduction

10 Content 1.Introduction 2.Opportunities : 1.Business 2.Education 3.Networking 4.Promotion 3.The ICCRM: 1. Benefits 2. Structure

11 How can ICCA lead you to more business? 1. Business Opportunities 2. Education 3. Networking 4. Joint Promotion 2. Opportunities

12 2.1. Business Opportunities ICCA assists members in identifying business leads and opening communication with potential clients: 2. Opportunities ICCA Data Associations Database Online Corporate Database Online Hot Leads Key Contacts Meetings Statistics

13 How can ICCA lead you to more business? 1. Business Opportunities 2. Education 3. Networking 4. Joint Promotion 2. Opportunities

14 2.2. Education Focus on business oriented education, with both peer-to-peer and outside expert input: ICCA Congress (high level strategic and marketing/sales) ICCRM (Europe, Regional: other continents). ICCA Data workshops Association Expert Seminar CMP, Le Cordon Blue Forum For Young Professionals And….. 2. Opportunities

15 2.2. Education ICCA General Assembly & Congress & Exhibition ICCA's most important annual event: 2004 Cape Town, South Africa 2005 Montevideo, Uruguay 2006 Rhodes, Greece 2007 Asia 2008 Americas 2009 Europe 2. Opportunities

16 How can ICCA lead you to more business? 1. Business Opportunities 2. Education 3. Networking 4. Joint Promotion 2. Opportunities

17 2.3. Networking High level networking on a global scale. Client Supplier Business Workshops: sharing expertise and experience and business leads Business Exchange: a unique model amongst international associations in our industry. Members Update (Online) ICCA’s monthly newsletter keeping you in touch with the Association and its members 2. Opportunities

18 How can ICCA lead you to more business? 1. Business Opportunities 2. Education 3. Networking 4. Joint Promotion 2. Oportunities

19 2.4. Promotion Quality benchmark. Clients contact though events. Membership Directory. ICCA Intelligence. Industry Tradeshows. Sponsorship opportunities. 2. Opportunities

20 Content 1.Introduction 2.Opportunities : 1.Business 2.Education 3.Networking 4.Promotion 3.The ICCRM: 1. Benefits 2. Structure

21 Collect valuable sales leads. Meet clients. Learn all about ICCA DATA products and the Internet. Be educated on many marketing & research related topics. Exchange research/marketing specialist questions and ideas. Create your own network of colleagues. 3.The ICCRM 3.1. Benefits

22 3.2. ICCRM Structure Thursday 7 July: ICCA Data Workshop Speakers: ICCA DATA Researchers, ICCA, Amsterdam Head Office. Welcome Reception

23 3.2. ICCRM Structure Friday 8 July: Plenary: All About ICCA! Speaker: Marianne Korten Plenary: Getting delegates to spend more time & money at the conference destination. Speaker: Rob Davidson, Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster, UK Parallel session 1: Update on Association Market & Trends. Speaker: Enrico Zuffi, Conf. Marketing Manager, Geneva Convention Bureau, Switzerland. Parallel session 2: Update on database research & marketing technology. Speaker 1: Mathijs Vleeming, Marketing Developer, ICCA HO Speaker 2: Mijke Smit, Market Analyst, Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions.

24 3.2. ICCRM Structure Friday 8 July Continued: Plenary: Business Exchange Moderator: Marianne Korten Parallel session 3: Winning Business through Building Alliances with Suppliers Speaker: Edyta Malek, Conference Sales Manager, Warsaw Destination Alliance, Poland. Parallel session 4: Winning Business through Ambassador Programmes. Speaker: Carolina García Suárez, Congress Office Coordinator, Sociedad M. Turismo de Gijón, Spain. RESEARCHERS DINNER !!!

25 3.2. ICCRM Structure Saturday 9 July. Plenary session: Client Supplier Communication Panel: - Luc Hendrickx, Executive Director, International Diabetes Federation, Belgium. - Michele Sanvictores, MCI (INCON Group), Belgium - Idoia Rodés-Torróntegui, Director of Conferences, International Society of Nephrology, Belgium Moderator: Marianne Korten

26 3.2. ICCRM Structure Saturday 9 July Continued: Parallel session 5: Working with an Association Management Company Speakers: - Michele Sanvictores, MCI (INCON Group), Belgium - Idoia Rodés-Torróntegui, Director of Conferences, International Society of Nephrology, Belgium Parallel session 6: Working with Healthcare Association Clients. Speaker: Luc Hendrickx, Executive Director, International Diabetes Federation, Belgium.

27 3.2. ICCRM Structure Saturday 9 July Continued: Parallel session 7: Bid Processes & Techniques Speakers: - Ulrike Jacobsen, Deputy Director, Vienna Convention Bureau, Austria - Sue Etherington, International Sales Manager, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, UK Parallel session 8: Destination Marketing Strategies Speaker: John Swarbrooke, Prinicipal Lecturer in Tourism Management, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

28 3.2. ICCRM Structure Saturday 9 July cont. Plenary session: Moderator: Marianne Korten RESEARCH TREASURE HUNT Keep track of your ideas by using the ICCRM Ammunition Kit !!! PRIZES TO WIN !!! CLOSING & FAREWELL PARTY

29 ICCA's working philosophy "ICCA is an enabler“ We cannot "give" business to members, but we can provide the means and the opportunities to win business. Active members who use all of ICCA's services have most to gain.

30 ICCA Head Office staff welcoming you to the ICCRM: Meet the ICCA DATA Researchers: Marco Manager Dennis Jelle SebastianDonatella Willy Ronaldo Paula Marianne Education & Training Mathijs Marketing Developer Mieke Project Manager Events AND: ENJOY !!!

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