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ADEA Interim Session: CPPA Update Diana Lyu, Center for Public Policy and Advocacy ADEA Council of Students, Residents, and Fellows Center for Public Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "ADEA Interim Session: CPPA Update Diana Lyu, Center for Public Policy and Advocacy ADEA Council of Students, Residents, and Fellows Center for Public Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADEA Interim Session: CPPA Update Diana Lyu, Center for Public Policy and Advocacy ADEA Council of Students, Residents, and Fellows Center for Public Policy and Advocacy

2 ADEA /ASDA National Dental Student Lobby Day MARCH 28 th – March 29 th, 2011 REGISTRATION OPEN in NOVEMBER!

3 Why should we care: POLICY Most aspects of dentistry and dental education molded by policy NIH Research Grants Dental & Allied Health Workforce Models Faculty Development Dental Insurance Dental School Infrastructure State Oral Health Infrastructure Rural Dental Care Dental Education Financing Underserved Populations Dental Care State Children’s Health Insurance Program Military Dental Programs Advanced Education Training Diversity in Dentistry


5 How do I go about getting involved? – Get involved in your state legislature – help plan/attend State Lobby Day with your ASDA & state dental association! – Washington Updates from CPPA & other legislative resource: ve_regulatory_resources/Pages/default.aspx – Attend ADEA/ASDA National Dental Student Lobby Day

6 HEALTH CARE REFORM ADEA December 24, 2009, the U.S. Senate approved its health care reform plan, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590 as amended in the Senate), by a strictly partisan vote of 60- 39. The bill includes a number of provisions of importance to academic dental institutions and oral health care. The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) believes that comprehensive reform of the U.S. health care system should provide universal coverage to all Americans and access to high- quality, cost-effective oral health care services. The nation’s 60 dental schools serve as significant contributors to the dental safety net through services provided in our school clinics and in our affiliated off-site clinical programs. We greatly appreciate the Senate’s approval of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590), as amended in the Senate, which takes an important and fundamental step toward improving the oral health of our citizens.

7 HEALTH CARE REFORM ADEA 1. The availability of health care, including oral health care, fulfills a fundamental human need and is necessary for the attainment of general health.

8 HEALTH CARE REFORM ADEA 2. The needs of vulnerable populations have a unique priority.

9 HEALTH CARE REFORM ADEA 3. Prevention is the foundation for ensuring general and oral health

10 HEALTH CARE REFORM ADEA 4. The financial burden of ensuring coverage for health care, including oral health care coverage, should be equitably shared by all stakeholders.

11 HEALTH CARE REFORM ADEA 5. A diverse and culturally competent workforce is necessary to meet the general and oral health needs of our demographically changing nation.

12 HEALTH CARE REFORM ADEA 6. Reducing administrative costs and realigning spending can increase quality, improve health, and create savings for additional reforms.

13 Funding = Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2010 + American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Funding used for grants to institutions to offer scholarships to disadvantaged students. The funds totaled $66.2 million, and health professions programs at colleges and universities were eligible to apply. Dentistry programs all over the nation received $6,000 – 500,000 Dentistry – related legislation: Funding in Review

14 Dentistry – related legislation: Work in progress H.R. 4213, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 Package of extensions of expiring tax cuts and unemployment insurance - originally included an extension of the federal medical annual percentage (FMAP), the federal portion of the Medicaid program. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), enacted in February 2009, included $86.6 billion in Medicaid funds for the states. These extra funds are set to expire at the end of 2010.

15 Dentistry – related legislation: Work in progress Since dental school clinics rely on Medicaid payments, ADEA wrote a letter in support of including the FMAP in the jobs bill. Recently, three states have cut adult dental benefits: Arizona, California, and Michigan. The FMAP extension could provide states with funds they need to avoid making any more cuts.


17 Center for Public Policy & Advocacy Jack E. Bresch, M.A.L.S., Associate Executive Director Ms. Monette D. McKinnon, Associate Executive Director Myla J. Moss, M.A., M.S.W., Director of Congressional Relations and Regulatory Affairs Deborah Darcy, M.A, Director of Congressional Affairs ASDA Legislative Grassroots Network

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