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When Disaster Strikes, Where Does Your Hospital Turn For Resources? Denise Rose, J.D. Senior Director, Advocacy and Public Policy September 14, 2012 SOS!!

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Presentation on theme: "When Disaster Strikes, Where Does Your Hospital Turn For Resources? Denise Rose, J.D. Senior Director, Advocacy and Public Policy September 14, 2012 SOS!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 When Disaster Strikes, Where Does Your Hospital Turn For Resources? Denise Rose, J.D. Senior Director, Advocacy and Public Policy September 14, 2012 SOS!!

2 THA – Who We Are  The Texas Hospital Association is a nonprofit trade association representing Texas hospitals and health systems. In addition to providing a unified voice for health care, THA serves its 500+ members with timely information, data analysis, education on essential operational requirements, networking and leadership opportunities. 2

3 THA – What We Do  Since its founding in 1930, THA has grown and evolved with the hospital industry itself. Today, THA is the leading advocacy organization for Texas hospitals. The Association’s dedicated, professional staff is committed to helping hospitals navigate the complex, ever- changing legislative and regulatory environment, while working toward common solutions for better health care policy at the state and federal levels.  THA also serves as a resource for the State of Texas in the areas of disaster planning and response, data services and regulatory development. 3

4 Disaster Planning and Response 4

5 Disaster Response and Planning 5

6 6

7 7 THA?

8 Disaster Response and Planning 8 THA?

9 Disaster Response and Planning 9  -----THA

10 Disaster Response and Planning 10 <-------THA

11 Disaster Response and Planning 11 What resources can we provide?  Member Communications  Email Blasts –Disaster Prep Listserv  Alerts  Conference Calls  Advocacy—Federal and State

12 Disaster Response and Planning  Can send messages (via fax or e-mail) to all Texas hospitals (not just association member hospitals) within hours.  Maintenance of a contact list of most senior hospital leaders and their emergency management contacts.  Posting of important information on THA website within hours of receiving the information.  Depending on the magnitude of a disaster, may be able to establish a support unit.  Conduct statewide conference calls with hospital CEOs if appropriate. DSHS may make state telephone bridge lines available for this purpose.  Potential THA staff placement at the TDEM SOC, DSHS SMOC or both. If the need arises, THA can respond to either the DSHS SMOC or the TDEM SOC within minutes to provide direct consultation. 12

13 Disaster Response and Planning TO: Chief executive officers, chief nursing officers, chief medical officers, infection control practitioners, hospital disaster preparedness coordinators ISSUE: West Nile virus Update BACKGROUND: The Texas Department of State Health Services is urging Texans to take precautions against West Nile virus. TDSHS officials are holding a free webinar Monday, Aug. 6 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., CST, to discuss new information and updates on growing numbers of West Nile virus cases. TDSHS is seeing earlier and larger than normal disease activity compared to previous years. Through July 31, there have been more reported cases of West Nile virus illness cases than in any other year since West Nile came to the state in 2002. Nationally, there have been 241 cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Texas cases account for over 60 percent of this total and half of the deaths, according to TDSHS. In the webinar, David Lakey, M.D., TDSHS commissioner, and other staff will highlight more information about West Nile virus, including its epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Registration Information: To participate in the “West Nile virus: An Update to Clinicians” webinar on Aug. 6, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., CST, please follow the steps below. Space is limited. Register for the webinar now. Click here.Click here *If you do not have speakers attached to your computer, you will need to dial-in to obtain the audio and you will incur a long distance telephone charge. If your computer has plug-in for a headset, it might be compatible for audio use. If you have questions about the webinar registration process, please do not hesitate to contact Sallie Allen at: 512/776-3463 before 4:30 p.m. on the day of the event. If you have technical issues with the webinar, please contact the Technical Support Team at: 800/263-6317; or direct dial, 805/617-7000. According to Texas Government Code 305.027, portions of this material may be considered “legislative advertising.” Authorization for its publication is made by John Hawkins, Texas Hospital Association, 1108 Lavaca, Ste. 700, Austin, Texas 78701-2180. Contact: Denise RoseDenise Rose, J.D., senior director, advocacy and public policy, 512/465-1043 Click here to unsubscribehere 13

14 Disaster Response and Planning  1135 Waiver 14 CMS THA------

15 Disaster Response and Planning Other Resources:  THA Emergency Contact List  Hospital Disaster listserv  THA Emergency Twitter Feed (@THA_emergency) 15

16 Disaster Response and Planning THA Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Communications Info: THA toll free helpline: 855 598-1011 THA disaster email address: (The DSHS SMOC can use this address to forward THA actionable items) 16

17 Disaster Response and Planning Questions??? Denise Rose (512) 465-1043 (512) 417-0638 17

18 Serving Texas Hospitals/Health Systems 18

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