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Health Psychology: An Overview Chapter 1. Illness / Wellness What is health? Objective and subjective signs.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Psychology: An Overview Chapter 1. Illness / Wellness What is health? Objective and subjective signs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Psychology: An Overview Chapter 1

2 Illness / Wellness What is health? Objective and subjective signs

3 Illness / Wellness Continuum Major disability Symptoms/minor Average Healthful Signs Very healthful From illness disability Signs & lifestyle signs & lifestyle Death Optimal Wellness

4 The Disease Pattern  XVll and XlX Centuries  Infectious Diseases  XX and XXl Centuries  Chronic Diseases, Injury

5 HEALTH BELIEFS  Ancient Cultures  Magic, Supernatural, Mind-Body separation  Middle Ages  Church supremacy, Illness and sin, Body-Mind interaction  Renaissance  Human Centered, Mechanistic view, dissection, surgery, microscope…  XX Century  The Biomedical model

6 Psychology and Health Individuals Lifestyle Risk Factors Personality Health Care Models Psychosomatic Medicine Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry Biopsychosocial Approach Behavioral Medicine Health Psychology

7 Psychology and Health Health Psychology: Goals Prevent illness Identify causes of illness Treat Illness Health care systems and public policy

8 Related Fields Epidemiology Distribution and frequency of disease mortality: number of deaths morbidity: illness, injury prevalence: total number of cases incidence: number of new cases epidemic: rapid increase in incidence

9 Related Fields Public Health field focuses on organized effort related to health issues in a community Medical Sociology field concerned with social factors related to health and illness Medical Anthropology field concerned with the cross-cultural aspects of health and illness

10 Research Methods Theory A tentative explanation of why and under what conditions a certain phenomenon occurs A useful theory: is clearly stated organizes facts relates information allows for predictions

11 Research Methods Experiments A controlled study in which one variable is manipulated as another variable is measured. Independent variable Dependent variable Experimental and Control Groups Double-blind study Nonexperimental Methods Independent Variable is not manipulated

12 Quasi-experimental Designs Correlational Studies Retrospective approach: look back Prospective approach: follow group Developmental Approaches Cross-sectional different ages observed at the same time Longitudinal observe same individuals over a long time Single-subject Designs Case study

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