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Solar energy a global warming solution By, Shane Horn “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. what a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar energy a global warming solution By, Shane Horn “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. what a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar energy a global warming solution By, Shane Horn “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. what a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out until we tackle it.” - Thomas Edison

2 ^ Year ^ Average temperature change (°F)

3 An introduction to solar energy In today's climate of growing energy needs, and increasing environmental concern, alternatives to the use of non-renewable and polluting fossil fuels have to be investigated. As I’ve learned, within the next forty years, the worlds oil and coal reserves will run out. One such alternative is solar energy. Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly by the sun and collected elsewhere, normally the Earth. The sun creates its energy through a thermonuclear process that converts about 650,000,000 tons of hydrogen to helium every second. Greenhouse gases may trap the heat produced by the sun, but the energy can be contained.

4 Solar panels can keep something running for extended periods of time, thanks to the generator/storage setup. At night or during heavy cloud cover, for example, the amount of energy produced by the collector will be quite small. The storage unit can hold the excess energy produced during the periods of maximum productivity, and release it when the productivity drops. In practice, a backup power supply is usually added, too, for the situations when the amount of energy required is greater than both what is being produced and what is stored in the container.

5 Solar energy users from across the USA Today, a majority of states in America use solar energy. The three major states are California, new jersey, and Florida.

6 Solar panel savings As you can see, solar panels can also help to cut down on your monthly bills

7 Facts about solar panels More Energy Than We Need – More energy hits the earth from the sun in one hour that the whole world uses all year. If you’re a numbers person – approximately 120,000 terawatts (TW) hits the earth’s surface each day. Over the course of a year, the world uses a mere 15 TW of energy. That means, in 1 day, the sun provides enough solar power to last 8,000 years. L e s s P o l l u t i o n w i t h S o l a r – U s i n g s o l a r p a n e l p o w e r e d e n e r g y m e a n s n o a i r o r w a t e r p o l l u t i o n a n d n o g r e e n h o u s e g a s e m i s s i o n s. Save The World – It’s no secret that solar energy is the way to a more sustainable future. Solar panels can produce 1-kilowatt (KW) solar energy unit to replace the equivalent of burning 170 pounds of coal and 300 pounds of carbon dioxide. Thanks to net metering, if your solar power system generates more electric power than you are consuming, the utility grid company will pay you for your additional power.._____O(“ “)O_____. __]__ “ ‘ “ Air planes are a big consumer of oil and other fuels. Solar planes can really help the world

8 Facts about solar panels cont. If the power goes out you will still have electricity and with power companies increasingly initiating “brown outs”, you will no longer be resetting clocks and restoring lost computer information. Solar panels do not make any noise when they do their job. Once you install your solar power system, it is pretty much build it and forget it since little maintenance is required – and they last a long time. Solar power units are scalable so when you need more electricity you simply add more solar panels to your existing array. (ﺮ ‘°⌂ °)ر ~~~_[__]_ When the worlds oil and coal run out, there's no power, and you didn’t get solar panels, you might get so angry you’ll start flipping tables

9 Sources/ ending Please, consider using solar panels for the sake of our planet.

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