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TOWN OF CALEDON Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor – an OPPORTUNITY Open House Presentation June 29, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "TOWN OF CALEDON Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor – an OPPORTUNITY Open House Presentation June 29, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOWN OF CALEDON Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor – an OPPORTUNITY
Open House Presentation June 29, 2015

2 Why are we here? Agenda Introduce the Planning Project
Seek input from the public and stakeholders Provide an opportunity for discussion with Town staff and the consultant TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

3 Provincial Policy and Identifying Strategic Employment Areas
The Province has developed a short list of possible routes for the new GTA West Highway. This new highway will have significant impacts on how and where all forms of development will occur in Caledon in the future. Sections and of Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) require that major goods movement facilities and corridors be protected. Section of the PPS states that municipalities may plan beyond 20 years for the long-term protection of employment areas provided lands are not designated beyond the 20 year planning horizon. Now is the time to focus on where those opportunities may be in Caledon. TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

4 Our Role on the Locating of New Strategic Employment Lands
We have been retained by the Town to: Facilitate a discussion on What should be considered in identifying strategic employment areas; and Advise the Town on Where  the strategic employment areas should be located. Loblaws HQ at NW corner of 401/Mississauga Rd TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

5 The Short List of Routes – the East End
NOTE: This data is provided for your convenience only. The data is not warranted or certified or guaranteed in any way. The Town of Caledon accepts no liability for any damages whatsoever, including any consequential damages, for any deficiency in the data. The reproduction of this data, in whole or in part, is forbidden without the express written permission of the Town of Caledon. Airport Road AIRPORT ROAD Mayfield Road THE GORE ROAD The Gore Road TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

6 The Short List of Routes – Mayfield West
King Street Bramalea Road Dixie Road Highway 10 Chinguacousy Road NOTE: This data is provided for your convenience only. The data is not warranted or certified or guaranteed in any way. The Town of Caledon accepts no liability for any damages whatsoever, including any consequential damages, for any deficiency in the data. The reproduction of this data, in whole or in part, is forbidden without the express written permission of the Town of Caledon. Old School Road Mayfield Road TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

7 The Short List of Routes – the West End
Mississauga Rd Chinguacousy Road Old School Road NOTE: This data is provided for your convenience only. The data is not warranted or certified or guaranteed in any way. The Town of Caledon accepts no liability for any damages whatsoever, including any consequential damages, for any deficiency in the data. The reproduction of this data, in whole or in part, is forbidden without the express written permission of the Town of Caledon. Mayfield Road TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

8 New Highway Facts and Figures
The new highway may have a right of way of up to 170 metres (560 feet) - this would allow for a 110 metre (360 foot) wide freeway portion and a 60 metre (200 foot) wide transitway portion The cost of a new 6 lane divided freeway will be about 19 million dollars per kilometre – for 25 kilometres in Caledon that would be just under 500 million dollars Each new major interchange will cost about 25 million dollars – about 6 to 8 are proposed in Caledon – another 150 to 200 million dollars And then there are the bridges over watercourses – which could be 6 to 30 million dollars each, other road improvements, land acquisition, drainage improvements…. This will clearly be the most costly highway infrastructure investment in Ontario since the 407 in the 1990’s. TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

9 What Will this Mean for Caledon?
Caledon land area sq. km. (Toronto is 630 sq. km.) 85% of Town subject to NEP, ORMCP and Greenbelt Plan (583 sq. km.) Remaining 15% (or 105 sq. km.) – urban development may be permitted This is called the ‘Whitebelt’ TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

10 Potential for Development in Caledon
Potential population and employment for Whitebelt based on 50 people and jobs per hectare – 525,000 people and jobs I think most would agree that this is a big number! For comparison purposes Brampton with over 266 square kilometres has a current population of about 550,000 – with the City expected to grow to about 837,000 people by 2031 The scale of the potential growth in Caledon is comparable to what has occurred in Brampton and southern York Region in the last 40 years The next few slides show how comparable areas have evolved over time next to highways in the Greater Toronto Area. TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

11 Examples of Growth since 1970 – Highway 400 and Rutherford Road
1995 Rutherford Road 2014 TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

12 Examples of Growth since 1970 – Highway 7 near Highway 27
2014 TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

13 Examples of Employment Growth – Highway 401 and Mississauga Road
TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

14 Examples of Employment Growth – Queen Elizabeth Way (Oakville)
QEW 4th Line TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

15 So – what does this mean? The Province: Recognizes the importance of existing and future highways for employment uses; Requires that municipalities protect areas adjacent to highways for uses (including employment uses) that rely on highways; and, In recognition of the importance of protecting lands for future jobs – permits municipalities to identify strategic employment areas so that they are not taken up by other uses – this ‘permission’ does not extend to residential and commercial uses. This means that employment lands are a key asset and that municipalities can prioritize the planning for employment lands TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

16 The Process of Identifying new Strategic Employment Lands
Steps Identify nature of potential land uses; Identify locational criteria; Identify potential locations for employment growth; and, Include strategic employment areas in Official Plan. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THIS PROCESS IS ABOUT IDENTIFYING WHERE THESE STRATEGIC EMPLOYMENT LANDS COULD BE – THIS PROCESS IS ABOUT PRIORITIZATION – NOT THE TIMING OF DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

17 The Process of Identifying new Strategic Employment Lands – Potential Uses
Nature of Industrial Development in Peel in last 10 Years Between 2006 and 2104 – almost 50% of new industrial development in GTA has occurred in Peel 20% of all jobs in Peel now in the Goods Movement sector About 16 million square feet of Goods Movement floor space developed in Peel between 2001 and 2014 70% of all new industrial floor space in Peel in Goods Movement sector between 2010 and 2014 Average size of new Goods Movement facilities increasing to over 500,000 square feet each TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

18 The Process of Identifying new Strategic Employment Lands – QUESTION #1
What types of industrial uses should Caledon be trying to plan for adjacent to the new GTA West Highway? Focus on manufacturing? Focus on Goods Movement related facilities? Combination of the above? Other? TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

19 The Process of Identifying new Strategic Employment Lands – Locational Criteria for Employment uses
Close proximity to the freeway network via interchanges and arterial roads; Good access to freeway network without traveling through residential and commercial areas; Good proximity to similar uses and support uses (such as repair garages etc.); Large parcel sizes; Limited number of incompatible uses in area; and, Availability of services (sewer and water). TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

20 The Process of Identifying new Strategic Employment Lands – QUESTIONS #2 and #3
Which of the Identified Criteria are the Most Important? Least Important? Are there any other criteria to consider? TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

21 The Process of Identifying new Strategic Employment Lands – Preferred Locations
Options include: Clustering new Strategic Employment Area in area west of Bolton (adjacent to existing industrial area and emerging cluster extending into Brampton and Vaughan); Clustering new Strategic Employment Area between Airport Road and Dixie Road; Between Tullamore and Sandhill; Between Mayfield West and Victoria; On the north or south side of new GTA West Highway (or on both sides)? Any combination of the above. TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

22 The Process of Identifying new Strategic Employment Lands – QUESTION #4
Which of the Potential Strategic Employment Areas are preferred? Least preferred? TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

23 Other Factors to be Considered
The limits of the Greenbelt Plan and the nature of the natural heritage features within the Greenbelt Plan – how do the limits of the Greenbelt Plan boundary have an impact on where Strategic Employment should be located? The location of prime agricultural land in the Study Area (recognizing that most of the Study Area is considered to be prime agricultural land). TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

24 Other Factors to be Considered (continued)
The location of existing and ‘permanent’ land uses in the Study Area; The significant changes in driving patterns resulting from the development of a new highway; The location of major employment areas in the Region, the Town and the Region of York at the present time; The impacts future employment densities will have on the amount of land that should be identified; Using the location of the highway as the ‘edge’ of the future urban area or as the ‘anchor’; The future community structure of Caledon (nodal or lineal or other) given the location of fixed natural and man-made features; and, The need to plan for a complete and healthy community. TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

25 THANK YOU TOWN OF CALEDON - Identifying Strategic Employment Lands along the GTA West Corridor - an OPPORTUNITY - June 29, 2015

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