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1 Legislative & Policy Update NW Portland Area Indian Health Board Quarterly Board Meeting October 21, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Legislative & Policy Update NW Portland Area Indian Health Board Quarterly Board Meeting October 21, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Legislative & Policy Update NW Portland Area Indian Health Board Quarterly Board Meeting October 21, 2013

2 Budget Update 16 Day Government Shutdown – Furloughs of over 800,000 federal employees – Suspension of services not exempt by Anti-deficiency Act – IHS suspended meetings, grant & contract activity, payments, ISDEAA negotiations, and CDA claims – Issues: ACA financing; debt ceiling; ACA-PTC & cost-sharing verification What is in the anatomy of the CR Deal? – Provides Continuing Resolution to Jan. 15, 2014 – Government back to work last Thursday, Oct. 17 th – Repayment for essential workers; Back pay for furloughed workers – New clock on debt-ceiling to February 7, 2014 (Ted Cruz)

3 H.R. 2775 Continuing Appropriations Act 2014 Funds continuing operations, projects, or activities conducted in FY2013 at the current levels. Requires the rate for operations be calculated [reduced] based on FY2013 requirements (Sequester) Prohibits high rates or complete distribution of appropriations at the beginning of FY2014 for some programs. Provides compensation of federal employees furloughed as a result of any lapse in appropriations Directs agencies to pay for FY 2014 activities if they used their own resources ACA tax credit and cost-sharing verification and HHS-OIG issue report to Congress on effectiveness (Sec. 1002) Default Prevention Act of 2013 bin/bdquery/z?d113:HR02775:@@@D&summ2=m& bin/bdquery/z?d113:HR02775:@@@D&summ2=m&

4 Appropriations Update H.R. 2775 CR thru January 15th – H.J. Res. 80, American Indian and Alaska Native, Health, Education, and Safety Act H.J. Res. 80, American Indian and Alaska Native, Health, Education, and Safety Act FY 2012 Final Amount = $4.306 billion FY 2013 Post Sequester = $4.131 billion President’s 2014 Request = $4.430 billion – $124 million over FY 2012 level (2.9% increase) House FY 2014 = $4.130 billion Senate FY 2014 = $4.434 billion

5 Senate & House Budget Resolutions



8 Clinical Service Accounts

9 Preventive Health Accounts

10 Other Services Accounts

11 Facilities Accounts


13 Ardmore OK - $8.9 millionTishomingo OK - $5.3 million Vinita OK - $1.8 millionTazlina AK - $500K Wasilla AK - $17.7 millionKenai AK – $1 million Fairbanks AK - $20 millionBarrow AK - $6.8 million Nome AK - $13.6 millionSan Carlos AZ - $1.3 million

14 Indian Health Legislation Advance Appropriations Bills – H.R. 3229: Don Young & Ray Lujan – S. 1570: Begich, Udall, Murkowski Special Diabetes Program for Indians – House and Senate Sign-on letters Indian Definition Fix – S. 1575: Senators: Mark Begich (D-AK), Max Baucus (D- MT), Tom Udall (D-NM), Brian Schatz (D-HI), Al Franken (D- MN) IHCIA Technical Amendments

15 IHS Director Confirmation Hearing SCIA confirmation hearing June 12, 2013 SCIA has placed a hold on IHS Director confirmation until they are satisfied with received reports: – Four IHS Areas has conveyed dissatisfaction on issues – Aberdeen Investigation continues to plague IHS – Area Office Reviews: SCIA wants reports of findings – CHS formula: adding mortality and morbidity to formula – Health Facilities construction & staffing issues – CSC issues and Administration’s proposal in FY 2014 SCIA and HHS-Secretary have received Tribal leaders letters requesting Administration withdraw nomination or SCIA not move forward with confirmation. STAC Meeting: HHS Secretary weighs in support of Directors

16 Contract Support Cost Update July 31-August 1: CSC Summit Hosted by ANHB, ANTHC, CRIHB, NPAIHB, USET & NTCSCC 3 Supreme Court cases have affirmed Tribes right to be paid full CSC payments Ramah decision requires federal government to pay Tribes full CSC if the agency has sufficient appropriation Administration proposed statutory ‘amendment-by- appropriation’ – Eliminate Tribes’ future contract recovery rights – Proposal gives legal effect to amounts in a “table” provided to the Appropriations Committees – Since Tribal contract is “subject to the availability of appropriations,” limits legal remedy of Tribes and skirts Supreme Court decisions – No Tribal consultation on the Administration’s proposal!

17 Tribal Contract Support Cost Summit CSC Policy Landscape is changing: Cherokee and Ramah court decisions, Administration & Agency policy changes, settlement of past CSC Claims, and lack of CSC funding

18 Tribal Contract Support Cost Summit – Objectives Legal, financial, and ISDEAA policy experts addressed recent CSC policy developments Tribal only meeting did not include federal program personnel provided open and candid discussion Agenda Issues over two days included: 1.Litigation Update and Agency responses 2.Settlement of past year’s claims & documentation 3.Administration’s FY 2014 CSC Proposal 4.Discussion of Ramah options 5.CSC Tribal Consultation Issues 6.Moving forward with CSC Issues

19 Tribal CSC Summit Recommendations 1.Tribal Consultation 2.Reject the Administration’s FY 2014 Proposal 3.Supreme Court Option Explanations 4.IHS Settlement Process

20 TTAG/MMPC Updates ACA Policy Subcommittee is very active – Tribal Exemption & I/T/U hardship exemption – Medicare PPS for Federally Qualified Health Centers: no more multiple encounters – November 18th – CMS-R-267 Medicare Advantage Program Requirements-Due November 17 th – HHS-OS-20475-60D Survey of Providers for the Evaluation of the Regional Extension Center Program-Due November 18 th Revising the CMS Tribal Consultation Policy Evaluation of CMS Strategic Plan & Updates Alternatives for Medicaid Expansion: Arkansas Model and UCC Waivers Indian definition issues QHP contraction and payment issues related to IHCIA section 206 and 408 (Reimbursement Subcommittee) IRS/CMS Resource Exemptions Extending Medicare Like Rates to non-hospital based services ACA Educational materials Data projects and studies

21 TTAG/MMPC Resources 0Folder%20created%20by%20Jim 0Folder%20created%20by%20Jim MMPC Action Items and Tracking List TTAG Roster of Pending Regulations and Assignments

22 IHS Dear Tribal Leader Letters 1.DTLL on IHS Virtual Summit – September 25, 2013 2.DTLL on CSC Update – September 9, 2013 3.DTLL on CHR Training – August 8, 2013 4.DTLL on Special Diabetes Program for Indians – June 19, 2013. 5.DTLL on Contract Support Costs – June 12, 2013. 6.DTLL on Contract Health Services – May 6, 2013. 7.DTLL on MSPI & DVPI – May 6, 2013. 8.DTLL on CSC Follow-up 9/24/2012 – March 26, 2013. 9.DTLL on draft IHS Sexual Assault Policy, Part 3, Chap. 29 – March 22, 2013. 10.DTLL on CHS increases for referrals for prevention services in follow-up to 8/2/2012 – January 15, 2013 11.DTLL on CSC Issues in follow-up to 9/24, 2012 letter – January 14, 2013. 12.DTLL on UIHP Conferring Policy – January 11, 2013. 13.DTLL on OIT PFSA and Tribal Shares – January 11, 2013.

23 What will Your Marketplace Look Like?

24 Medicaid Expansion for Indian Country

25 Discussion?

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