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Accelerator activities Brian Foster (Uni Hamburg/DESY) 1 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerator activities Brian Foster (Uni Hamburg/DESY) 1 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerator activities Brian Foster (Uni Hamburg/DESY) 1 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13

2 ILC Machine Overview Damping Rings Polarised electron source Polarised positron source Ring to Main Linac (RTML) (inc. bunch compressors) e - Main Linac Beam Delivery System (BDS) & physics detectors e + Main Linac Beam dump not to scale 2 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13

3 European XFEL @ DESY 3 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13 Largest deployment of this technology to date -100 cryomodules -800 cavities -17.5 GeV The ultimate ‘integrated systems test’ for ILC. Commissioning with beam 2 nd half 2015 ~25 MV/m As of 11.09.2013 Num. of cavities: Vendor1 -23 Vendor2 -56

4 “ILC” Cryomodule @ Saclay 4 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13

5 Japanese Sites for ILC -LCC Directorate official site visit next week. 5 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13

6 European activities BF has visited European funding agencies – Italy, Germany, UK – to discuss ILC and involvement over the next few years. BF & E. Elsen visited Brussels on 13.9 to brief them on ILC status and enquire about possible H2020 funding. Very useful meeting. ILC was explicit item on Agenda, given priority even though R-JS was 1 hour delayed. He and colleagues had been briefed after 13.9. 6 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13 BF attended annual CERN/EU meeting at CERN on 25.9. Attended by R-J Smit, DG of Directorate Research at EC. BF described current situation and R-JS responded at length. Discussion was animated. EC is clearly interested in ILC and wishes to follow closely. Agreement to set up “group of 4” – BF, SS + 2 from DGXII – to maintain close contact over ILC. Meeting suggested 12.13 – awaiting DGXII response.

7 European activities N. Walker et al. have drawn up draft indication of how Europe could get involved in site-specific work for next few years prior to project approval. 7 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13

8 European activities Notional breakdown of a request to EU 8 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13 Under active discussion in LCC. Meeting for further development in January in DESY.

9 Saclay “couturier” proposal 9 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13

10 European capabilities Three main strong points: –ILC participation (back to Tesla) –XFEL and industrial base linked to it –CLIC and combined CLIC/ILC activities Make use of these …. “Obvious model” to consider: Keep capabilities to build and deliver cryomodules (natural lead DESY and CEA, but also INFN expertise) Focus on a couple of other system where Europe have expertise, scientific/technical capabilities (BDS system linked to participation in ATF, possibly damping rings, … ) BDS sticks out due to significant communities in UK, Spain, France, CERN, … Next years – possibly related to EU supported activities: Develop these two branches, with EU support if possible Would naturally form two main technical development branches where most of the European ILC community could participate, with European industry partners Put together a modest team, distributed across mains labs with limited material budget, focusing on the key areas above (would also put in place a European structure, and support key existing activities linked to cryomodules and BDS/ATF in particular) Sources Damping rings Ring to main linac Main linac Beam delivery systems Machine Detector Interfaces Physics and detectors Beam- dump systems (Slides thanks to Steinar Stapnes) 10

11 As a matrix … B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13 Timeline…DRMLBDS… Phys/DetectorComment 2014-2017(18): Design finalisation, technical designs & site specific design European leadership but also clear interest from China and US XFELEuropean leadership Other talks in this session European project(s) to make coherent contribution to well defined and visible Japan lead but international design team – could invoke EU support 2017-2020: Pre-series For potential deliverables At end of XFEL For potential deliverables …Outside scope of current discussion but capabilities in phase above (labs, industry) 2018-2028: Construction Part could be delivered by Europe but likely other major possibilities Fraction of cryomodules Main parts could be delivered by Europe (room for others as well) ….Outside scope of current discussion 11

12 Summary We have lots of expertise in Europe and even some substantial effort devoted to ILC. There is much more effort currently devoted to CLIC, some of which is relevant for ILC. 12 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13 Currently there is insufficient funds and people available to do the jobs that should be done now – site-specific design, optimising production models, etc.. ILC is visible to EC and there is interest. H2020 is a possible source of effort to leverage European expertise. Much to do to hammer out a coherent accelerator activity that optimises European interests and expertise and to find the necessary matching effort/funds. Strategically, how do we play this? Separate machine/detector bids at separate times? A subset of detector/accelerator topics labelled as e.g. “site specific”? A grand all-encompassing proposal? All needs to be discussed.

13 Invitation I mentioned a meeting in January to discuss the future R&D for the machine. This is in conjunction with a Symposium organised by DESY on January 13 th to celebrate my continued journey towards senility: 13 B. Foster - Hamburg/DESY - Orsay 11/13 You are all cordially invited!

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