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D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Oxygen Dynamics in the Ocean Lefèvre, D., A. Robert, C.Tamburini, M. Boutrif, S. Martini K. Arnaud, S. Beurthey,

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Presentation on theme: "D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Oxygen Dynamics in the Ocean Lefèvre, D., A. Robert, C.Tamburini, M. Boutrif, S. Martini K. Arnaud, S. Beurthey,"— Presentation transcript:

1 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Oxygen Dynamics in the Ocean Lefèvre, D., A. Robert, C.Tamburini, M. Boutrif, S. Martini K. Arnaud, S. Beurthey, M. Billault, M. Garel, G. Grégori, P. Payre, S. Escoffier; C. Curtil, JJ Destelle, A. Maurin, A. Mendes, C. Gojak, K. Bernardet, K. Mahiouz, Z. Hafid, Y. Lenault LMGEM, CPPM & DT INSU

2 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Autonomous Line with a Broad Acoustic Transmission for Research in Oceanography and Sea Sciences (ALBATROSS)

3 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Why monitoring O 2  To follow a decrease in oxygen concentration related to an increase in temperature (reducing the deep ocean ventilation), and linked to climate change  To follow water mass changes  To follow the deep oxygen consumption due to biological activity  CO 2 increase, ocean acidification  Carbon exportation to the deep ocean. Sarmiento et al. 1998, Matear et al. 2000, Plattner et al. 2001, Bopp et al. 2002,Keeling & Garcia 2002. The potential for larger O 2 declines in the future suggests the need for an improved observing system for tracking ocean O 2 changes. 13.35

4 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille The Breathing Planet CO 2 and O 2 atmospheric trend Planet earth : A living organism

5 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille

6 Why tracking O2 dynamics? Why times series ? Imbalance metabolism of the surface ocean: –The Ocean : Source or sink for CO 2 Discrepancy between geochemistry, bulk approach and in vitro derived fluxes. Dark ocean : Assess the dark ocean remineralisation rates MOTIVATION

7 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Challenge Zone EpipelagicMesopelagicBathypelagic O 2 consumption (µmol O 2 dm -3 h -1 ) 0.13 6.5 10 -4 2.3 10 -4 Aanderaa ® WinklerSBE43 ® Presens ® Accuracy (µmol O 2 dm -3 ) Sensitivity (µmol O 2 dm -3 h -1 ) 0.02 2% sat < 8 1 10 -3 0.00560.5  Del Giorgio & Duarte (2002) Del Giorgio & Williams (2005) Tools available

8 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille –High frequency measurements of in situ bulk properties Fixed instrumented mooring lines with various sensors (POM-DOM, O 2, …). Dynamics of these properties derived from time series measurements –In situ incubations In situ Oxygen Dynamics Auto-Sampler : IODA NEED for New Tools & New Strategy

9 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Processes impacting O 2 distribution Redrawn from R. Hamme To understand P and R processes we need : Time series data of Hydrological & BGC parameters Water column profile of Hydrological & BGC parameters

10 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille hourly to weekly scale Upon incubation time [O 2 ] = f(T, S, p) &Photosynthesis & Respiration Physical oceanography Biological oceanography “Instantaneous” O 2 dynamics CTD – O2 Optode Aanderaa®IODA 6000 weekly to yearly scale, upon water circulation & mixing Strategy Time integrated O 2 dynamics

11 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille O2O2 T (°C) Mixing Line MW1, T, S, O 2 MW2, T, S, O 2 AOU = Departure from mixing line In Situ O 2 = Time integrated Biological Activity Months to years, upon water circulation IODA = Oxygen dynamics : Biological Activity Daily to weekly scale Obs [O 2 ] MW = Mode Water AOU Biological activity evaluation: different time scales

12 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille COM implication into IL07 O 2 optode sensor (Aanderaa ® 3830)  [O 2 ] MicroCAT CTD  T, S (2287m depth) CTD SBE 37 M  T, S, P (2193m depth) floor 6 floor 4 floor 3 (2302m depth) ADCP

13 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille IODA 6000 for ANTARES Line 12 2 O 2 optode sensors: 1 external and 1 internal 435m from the bottom IODA 6000 : In situ Oxygen Dynamics Auto-sampler 25th level @ Z= 1935 m

14 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille 2450 m INSTRUMENTED MOORING LINE DARK VADOR Microcat 37SMP Aquadopp IODA 6000 Acoustic release AR 861 CSNS 229 Arm 0440 Release 0455 Dialog 0449 Weight 500kg Floats 3*25kg Floats 5*25kg Kevlar 8.5 mm = 435 m Depth = 2000 m Kevlar 8.5 mm = 435 m Depth = 1500 m

15 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille MOORING Raw Data=f(t) Microcat CTp Conductivity Pressure Correction Microcat CT Conductivity T090 Pressure Salinity Depth Theta Sigma O2 saturation Vertical profile @ once a year/month Correction for sensor “drift” Cross parameter validation Calibration coefficient Level 1 Internal calibration Level 2 External Validation “Validated” time series Dataase Scientific Community

16 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille 2007 May 2009 January 2200m time series 2300m time series Uncorrected data

17 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille 2007 May profile 2200m time series 2008 2300m time series 2008 2009 January Profile Corrected data

18 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille 2008 2009 2010 Time Series and CTD Profiles Theta vs Salinity LIW WMDW nWMDW BW 2008 May 2007 Jan 2009 2009 Jan 2009 May 2009 Dec 2009 2010 Dec 2009 May 2010

19 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Temperature, Salinity, O 2 time-series (IL07) Electro-optical cable down Evolution trend of in situ dissolved oxygen : -5.1 µmol O 2 dm -3 a -1 Raw data not validated Electro-optical cable out of order

20 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille IODA time series IODA 6000 on L12: from Nov. 2009 to April 2010 Average respiration rates of each cycle Internal oxygen External oxygen Average consumption : -0.39 ± 0.13 µmol O 2 dm -3 d -1

21 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Deep Oxygen content Apparent decrease over time Around 5 µM a-1 Raw Data

22 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille ESONET - Antares Merged call ALBATROSS Autonomous Line with a Broad Acoustic Transmission for Research in Oceanography and Sea Sciences This project aims at deploying generic oceanographic sensors for real time observations of the deep ocean.

23 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Instrumented Interface Module C.Gojak, K.Mahiouz, Y.Lenault, K.Bernardet, Z.Hafidi (DT INSU) O2, CTD, P BioCam Courantometer Turbidity Electronic Container CDC Connector for extension Interlink Cable

24 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Optode O2 Microcat CTD TurbidityParo Scientifique Turbidity Pressure sensor

25 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille A Broad Acoustic Transmission for Research in Oceanography and Sea Sciences (ALBATROSS) acoustic modem 100 Base T 400 VDC BJS Depth (meter) 500 1500 1000 2000 2500 Scientific instrumentation On the line: IODA: 512byte /3 min /storey CTD : 256 byte /3 min/storey Aquadopp : 1024 byte / 3min/storey 82 kbyte h-1 Line-1 Inductive Data Transfer Data transmission on the line Data concentrator for each floor Transmissionby inductive modem Data storage and Acoustic transmission in floor 3 Acoustic Data transmission Distance from Mii 2000 m Multi channel for several lines Data transmission @ 200 Bit/s Acoustic release transponder Dead weight Buoy Acoustic transponder (ANTARES acoustic field for positioning during sea operation) Acoustic Data Transfer 1000 BaseT Fx 500 VAC From ANTARES BJ MII Inductive Data Transfer Beam pattern : Omni directional Acoustic source level : 179 dB (1m) Frequency : 9 – 13.5 kHz Data Stored : 2 Mbyte per day Data transmission: Compressed and averaged hourly 29 kbyte per day i.e. 20 minutes BJ  400 m BJS  50 m Acoustic Modem  2000 m Line 2350 m Open to new instrumentation

26 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Internet Database and Web site project for interdisciplinary development Database and Web site project for interdisciplinary development Antares Data Base Real time Antares Secure and user friendly interface. Data analyse and work space. (Analyse tools, elog book, etc…) Administration interface Public Pages Data Quality Data Meta Data Dedicated Web Server – Meta Data – Data Quality – Site Administration – … Local DB Real time Other Instrumented line as AAMIS ALBATROSS To other Data Base

27 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 2010 2011 2020 Electronic test Line design and implementation throughout 2010 In situ test, local deployment Electronic development SJB, Implementation completed MII Deployment Albatross Autonmous line deployment Underwater interventions with the Pegaso ROV END of ESONET noE Time series observation Antares-Mermex-MEUST MEUST Acoustic Modem Test

28 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille Conclusion Setting up of time series for BGC observation Innovative results –Hydrology monitoring – Bioluminescence – O 2 dynamics Development of new technology to aggregate science

29 D. Lefèvre et al. Meust 2010 - Marseille “That’s one small step for Oceanography, one giant leap for Environmental Science”

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