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Depletion of rainforest By Rafael Duran. How does the human population affect depletion of rainforest? The human population affect the rainforest because.

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Presentation on theme: "Depletion of rainforest By Rafael Duran. How does the human population affect depletion of rainforest? The human population affect the rainforest because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Depletion of rainforest By Rafael Duran

2 How does the human population affect depletion of rainforest? The human population affect the rainforest because when there are more population is more demand of wood. Other is that some persons clam of lands for agriculture. These persons do this for get easy money. When the land has no more nutrients they leave it and clime other peace of forest.

3 Some causes of rainforest depletion. The main causes for rainforest depletion are: Fuel wood. Agriculture – cash crops and cattle ranching. Agriculture – shifted cultivators. Logging. Large dams. Mining and industry. Colonization Schemes. Tourism.

4 How the rainforest is affect by Fuel wood. About 1.5 million of 2 billion people world wide who rely on fuel wood for cooking and heating, that means that they have to cut a lot of trees to satisfies they needs.

5 How the rainforest is affect by Agriculture- cash crops and cattle Some rainforest areas are being totally cleared to provide land for food crops. This happen because the reach people that has food business look for different ways to grow 1 fruit trees in spaces on the rain forest and cut the other trees down, then when the soil has no more nutrients they only live the land alone and go for look for other land to produce more fruit again.

6 How the rain forest is affect by large dams. In India and South America hundreds of thousands of hectares of rain forest have been destroyed by the building of hydro- electric dams. The construction of dams not only destroys the forest but often up roots tens of thousands of people. Downstream ecosystem are damaged by dams whish traps silt, holding back valuable nutrients. Reduced silt leads to constellation.

7 How the rain forest is affected by logging. Commercial logging companies cut down matures trees that have been selected for their timber large areas of rainforest are destroy in order to remove only few logs. The machinery that they use causes extensive damage for building roads and this machines compact the soil decreasing the forest change for regeneration.

8 How the rain forest is affected by agriculture shifted cultivators. The people that move to the rain forest area and make an small scale farming operations they made roads that damage a lot of rain forest areas. This people are being blamed for 60% of tropical forest loss.

9 How the rain forest is affected by mining and industry. Roads are constructed through previously inaccessible land opening up the rain forest. Severe water, air and land pollution occurs from mining and industry.

10 How the rain forest is affected by colonization schemes and Tourism. By doing this in Indonesia the trans migration program that begun in 1974 is believed to be the greatest cause of rain forest loss ( 200,000 of hectares) Tourism damage because the governments cut large areas to build the parks and some of theme damage a lot some species of plants and trees.

11 Other problem. Other problem that the depletion of the rain forest is that when we cut trees the co2 levels increase because there are not enough trees to get the co2 to make it in oxygen.

12 How we can do to help to save the rain forest? First we have to be responsible consumers and reduce, reuse, recycle. Second, make sure that you don’t purchase exotic pets may have been taken illegally from the rain forest. Third, when purchasing wood furniture investigate the source of tropical wood to determine if if was sustainable grown. Fourth, drink shade grow coffee, and purchase other food products grown in a sustainable manner.

13 Energy and law of ecology. The trees that are taking down make them for heating instead of electrical heating. Most of the trees that are cutting are use for heating and wood projects. So the wood is used as heating energy. The law of ecology that the depletion of trees are is there is no such thing as a free lunch. Every you do must have a reason behind it.This law basically means you have to something in order to get something in return. I think that because the forest give us it trees and it soil in order to we plant some new ones but we don’t do that we such leave the large areas empty instead of plant new ones for the future.

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