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Five Themes of Geography

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1 Five Themes of Geography

2 Five Themes of Geography
Location Place Region Movement Human Environment Interaction

3 1st Theme of Geography Location- describes where a place can be found
Two ways to describe location 1st type is Absolute Location It’s position on the globe Latitude, or parallels, measures distances north/south of the Equator Longitude, or meridians, measure distances east/west of the Prime Meridian Example: Mogadishu, Somalia is located at 20 N and 45o E 2nd type is Relative Location Describes a place in relation to another place Example: Mexico is south of the United States. Take a moment to answer this question on a separate sheet of paper: Describe the relative location of your house.

4 2nd Theme of Geography Place- describes how areas are alike and different, also known as the character of an area Two ways to describe place Physical Characteristics- Landforms- mountains, valleys Ecosystems-examples: rainforest, arctic tundra, desert, Climate- examples: daily weather, hurricanes, blizzards, droughts, floods Human Characteristics- How people live, work and visit a place? Language, customs and beliefs Economic traits, issues and concerns Government Take a moment to answer this question on a separate sheet of paper: Describe 2 physical and 2 human characteristics of your community.

5 3rd Theme of Geography Region- A group of places with at least one characteristic in common, physical or human characteristics 3 types of regions 1st type of region is a Formal Region Certain characteristic is found throughout the area Political- ex. State of Nebraska, Country of Germany Climate/Vegetation- ex. Arctic Tundra, Amazon Rainforest Landform regions- ex. Andes Mountains, Congo River Basin

6 3rd theme continued… 2nd type of region is a Functional Region
Focal point/central place with surrounding areas linked by a common use Common use could be things such as transportation or communication Ex.- Dallas- Forth Worth metro area shares a common airport located between the two cities Ex. – Lincoln Journal Star located in Lincoln Nebraska and distributes newspapers to people in and all around Lincoln Ex.- Washington D.C. is a central location for US lawmakers to meet and make decisions that affect our nation 3rd type of region is a Perceptual Region People’s feelings and attitudes about areas No precise or exact borders! A perception is a viewpoint that is influenced by a person’s culture and experiences Ex. – The Midwest, The South, the Middle East Take a moment to answer this question on a separate sheet of paper: Describe one type of region that can be found in your community.

7 4th Theme of Geography Movement- describes the ways people, goods and ideas move from one place to another Trade Ex. – Oil is transported through the state of Alaska using a pipeline. Ex. – Various goods, such as clothing, are manufactured overseas and then shipped to the United States to be sold. Tourism Ex. –Thousands of people visit Lincoln every year to attend Husker Football and other sporting events. Ex. Tourists often purchase souvenirs from places they visit. Technology Ex.- GPS can be used to locate and travel to various destinations around the world Ex. Panama Canal has an elaborate system using locks to move cargo ships through the canal Take a moment to answer this question on a separate sheet of paper: How are people, goods and ideas transported in our community?

8 5th Theme of Geography Human Environment Interaction (HEI)
Explains how people use and change their environment Ex. - Bringing in new plants Ex. - Irrigating the land Ex. - Developing new areas by building roads, houses and businesses Ex. - A community using the resources in the area, crops, water, etc. Take a moment to answer this question on a separate sheet of paper: How have people in your community modified the environment? Provide 2 specific examples.

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