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Dublin Core for Digital Video: Overview of the ViDe Application Profile.

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Presentation on theme: "Dublin Core for Digital Video: Overview of the ViDe Application Profile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dublin Core for Digital Video: Overview of the ViDe Application Profile

2 Speaker Information Jean Hudgins Head, Information Control and Management Georgia Tech Library and Information Center Dan Kniesner Chief Cataloger Oregon Health Sciences Library J

3 Outline I will –Define Metadata –Describe the functions of Metadata –Present an overview of Dublin Core –Share some benefits of Dublin Core Dan will –Walk through the 15 Dublin Core elements in detail and explain their use in ViDes best practices application profile for digital video

4 What is Metadata and Why do You Need It? Simply defined, metadata means data about data The term metadata commonly refers to any data that aids in the identification, description, and location of networked, electronic resources

5 Primary Function of Metadata Resource discovery: –metadata increases the odds that users will be able to retrieve appropriate information and assess its relevance, usefulness and availability


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8 Other Functions of Metadata Ownership and provenance metadata –for validating information and tracking use Rights and permissions metadata –for controlling access Content ratings metadata –a key component of some web filtering applications

9 Agency responsible for the standard: –The Dublin Core Directorate hosted by the OCLC Office of Research and Special Projects – Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Making it easier to find information.

10 Description Dublin Core is a set of 15 elements that can be used in describing electronic resources Dublin Core was designed to provide a simple, descriptive metadata standard extensible to web resources of any subject or format domain The latest is version 1.1, issued July 2, 1999

11 The Fifteen Elements Title Subject Description Source Language Relation Coverage Creator Publisher Contributor Rights Data Type Format Identifier

12 Benefits of Dublin Core It is easy to use Each element is optional and repeatable Each element has a set of qualifiers that may be used to refine the meaning of the element Semantic interoperability across disciplines and formats

13 Benefits of Dublin Core The Dublin Core elements can be mapped to MARC records It is international in scope Dublin Core can readily be represented in HTML and in XML


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