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AIM Getting ready to launch!. What are we doing here? It’s time to make a plan! Actually, it’s time to make a unit! And then a plan!

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Presentation on theme: "AIM Getting ready to launch!. What are we doing here? It’s time to make a plan! Actually, it’s time to make a unit! And then a plan!"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM Getting ready to launch!

2 What are we doing here? It’s time to make a plan! Actually, it’s time to make a unit! And then a plan!

3 What’s in a Unit? It should look and feel very different that what might occur in a regular classroom on a regular school day. It must include: Background knowledge that goes deep Science, Math, Reading Language Arts, Social Studies and other core concepts and skills woven throughout. Hands in and minds on activities that are interactive, fun, and challenging.

4 Here’s Our Plan for Today 8 to 9:30 Work with your group and research ideas for your unit. Begin to create your unit document on the computer. 9:30 to 11 Meet with our partner school. Hash out ideas and then work on a complete listing of the activities (including background knowledge, activity instructions, supply lists, etc.) Form a complete unit document with standards that align and a timeline/breakdown of how it can be completed in a week. We need all the standards possible that can go with the activities. This needs to be complete by 11. 11 to approx. 11:40 Each group (Mountain, Swamp, Desert, and Rainforest) will have 10 minutes to present and overview of the complete unit to all sites as a whole.

5 Then, we are going to take a short break for lunch 30 minutes. People can bring their lunch back and then we are going to make our actual daily lesson plans for the month.

6 After Lunch We’ll split back into sites and all sites will read through and make their first month’s plan on all 4 units.

7 Plans are Due When? All plans are to be completed by 2:00 and emailed to Each staff member will participate in making a complete plan for all grades at the site.

8 Surviving an Ecosystem: Stuff to think about The fantasy vs. the reality of living off the land Clothing and shelter considerations Weather that might occur Cost of…everything! Visas, passports, documents? Food and Water procurement Navigation Researching potential locations Use of tools like Google Earth in planning Who owns the land? Advance scouting Exit route planning Alternative transportation Traveling by boat Use of horses and pack animals?

9 Who’s Who? And What’s What? Mountains-Middle School and Bobby Ray Desert-West and Eastside Swamp-Morrison and Dibrell Rainforest- Irving college and Hickory Creek

10 Program Logistics

11 Putting the Times In Schedule will be made and will be based on student numbers. Schedules will not be made by site coordinators they will be made centrally and sent out to coordinators. Subs can be requested locally to cover staff but any direct change to the schedule needs to be approved. Most staff will be working less than they want to start out.

12 What’s a coordinator?

13 Who picks up supplies? One staff member per site will purchase supplies for the entire site. That staff member gets one hour of time reimbursed as well as the cost of the materials. Save receipts! Supplies will be purchased weekly, prior to lesson.

14 Morning programs Morning programs will occur at all sites from 7:00 to 7:30. This time is for homework help/computer skills lab. Who wants to work mornings?

15 Monday through Thursday 3:00 to 5:20 Pick up at 5:20 to no later than 5:30. 12 hours a week After the third time late or for excessive late time payments of $5 are due from parents for every five minutes they are late.* *That will be in the parent contract. Afternoon Schedule

16 Daily Schedule Snack Instruction until 4:20 Homework help from 4:20 until pick up.

17 First full day of AIM will be September 30 th ! When it all begins

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