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The Ohio State University Interactive Demonstration of Laparoscopic Surgery Over the Internet SURA/ViDe April 24, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ohio State University Interactive Demonstration of Laparoscopic Surgery Over the Internet SURA/ViDe April 24, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ohio State University Interactive Demonstration of Laparoscopic Surgery Over the Internet SURA/ViDe April 24, 2002

2 Participants n Jerome Johnson, Ph.D., Research Scientist Department of Surgery n W. Scott Melvin, M.D., Associate Professor Department of Surgery n E. Christopher Ellison, M.D., Professor Department of Surgery n Robert Dixon, Ph.D., Senior Research Engineer University Technology Services

3 2-Way, Real-Time Interaction Project Overview Operating Room Consultation Instruction

4 Project Overview n Application requires high quality, full- motion video with good color rendition. n Use affordable, off-the-shelf technology to permit large-scale deployment. n Allow live bi-directional interaction with surgical team for instructional and possible consultative purposes.

5 Laparoscopic Surgery n Small incisions are made in the abdomen. n Surgical instruments and a camera are inserted through these small incisions. n Surgeon performs the surgery by watching a TV screen.




9 Sample Video Images



12 Why Choose Laparoscopic Surgery For This Project? n A camera is already used in the surgical procedure. n No need to retrofit operating room with an extensive video system.

13 Implementation Details n Based on TCP/IP implementation of H.323 videoconferencing. n Uses Polycom Viewstation n 768kbps bandwidth in each direction. n Camera can be angled and zoomed from the remote end.

14 Polycom Viewstation

15 (back panel)

16 Implementation Details - cont n Videonics MX-1 Digital Video Mixer –4 channel video mixer n Boeckeler Pointmaker –realtime manual overlays –Video Chalk or Studio Sketch

17 Boeckeler Pointmaker

18 Videonics MXPro Replacement for MX-1

19 Whats New - 2002 1. Bi-directional notations 2. Production level virtual field trips 3. Surgical Robot observation

20 Boeckeler Video Chalk ($599.00)

21 Whats New - 2002 1. Bi-directional notations 2. Surgical Robot observation 3. Production level virtual field trips





26 Whats New - 2002 1. Bi-directional notations 2. Surgical Robot observation 3. Production level virtual field trips

27 Virtual Field Trip Miami Trace High School Science Club Visit









36 Live from OR 15 of the Ohio State UniversityMedical Center Columbus, Ohio Scott Melvin,M.D. Chief, General Surgery Director, Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, OSU with Ronald Clements, MD General Surgery UAB Medical Center Birmingham, Alabama


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