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Decimals How can your understanding of place value and fractions help you understand decimals?

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Presentation on theme: "Decimals How can your understanding of place value and fractions help you understand decimals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Decimals How can your understanding of place value and fractions help you understand decimals?

2  5 minutes to Drain your Brain!  Write EVERYTHING you know about FRACTIONS  Write EVERYTHING you know about PLACE VALUE

3 Share Out FractionsPlace Value

4 Task 1- I do! Use the hundreds blocks to represent the fraction 7/10. Write it as a decimal. 1 whole 1 tenth (.1) 1 Hundredth (.01) TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS 00. 7 0.7 or.70

5 Task 2 – I do! Use the hundreds blocks to represent the fraction 2 15/100. Write it as a decimal. 1 whole 1 tenth (.1) 1 Hundredth (.01) TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS 0 2. 0 1515 2.15

6 Task 3 – We do! Use the hundreds blocks to represent the fraction 72/100. Write it as a decimal. 1 whole 1 tenth (.1) 1 Hundredth (.01)

7 Task 4 Use the hundreds blocks to represent the fraction 6 43/100. Write it as a decimal. Use the hundreds blocks to represent the fraction 4 3/10. Write it as a decimal. Task 3 – Few do! Task 5 Use the hundreds blocks to represent the fraction 99/100. Write it as a decimal. 1 whole1 tenth (.1) 1 Hundredth (.01)

8 Decimals How can your understanding of place value and fractions help you understand decimals?

9 Task 6 – You do! Use the information in the picture below to: 1.Write a fraction 2.Write a decimal Task 7 – You do! Use the number below to: 1.Write a fraction 2.Draw an illustration.5

10 Answers TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS 6 37. Task 6 Task 7 5 10 36 100 7

11 Drop back and punt Use you transparency to figure out the following: 15 100 Write it as a decimal! TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS.

12 Task 1 – I do! Use you transparency to figure out the following: 70 100 Write it as a decimal! How does this compare to tenths? TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS 0. 7 0

13 Task 2 – I do! Use you transparency to figure out the following: 22 100 Write it as a decimal! How does this compare to tenths? TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS 0. 2 2

14 Task 3 – Few do! Use you transparency to figure out the following: Write them as a decimal! How do they compare to tenths? TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS 0. 2 2 50 100 62 100 20 100 84 100

15 You Do – Challenge! Show a pictorial representation of the following word problem. To assist you, you may use: Your transparency Manipulatives A place value chart Norman and Dianna are so confused. They want to know how much of the banana their mother ate. Mama gave Norman seven tenths of a banana and Dianna got five tenths. Greedy mama ate the rest. How many tenths did she eat? *hint find out how many bananas Norman and Dianna ate Mama ate eight tenths. Norman and Dianna ate 1 2/10 bananas. That means mama had to cut 2 bananas. There were eight tenths remaining.

16 Decimals How can your understanding of place value and fractions help you when comparing decimals?

17 THINK Write

18 I Do! Compare twelve hundredths to two tenths TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS. 12 2 0..12.20<

19 I Do! Compare five and three tenths to five and thirty hundredths TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS. 30 3 0. 5.30 = 5 5

20 I Do! Compare six and twenty five hundredths to four and six tenths TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS. 25 6 0. 6.25> 6 4

21 We Do! Compare fourteen hundredths to one tenth TENSONESDECIMAL POINT TENTHSHUNDREDTHS. 14 1 0..14.10>

22 Few Do! Task 1 Compare thirty two hundredths to fourteen tenths.32 < 1.40 Task 2 Compare seven and four tenths to seven and forty two hundredths 7.40 < 7.42 Task 5 Compare four and seven tenths to four and four tenths Task 6 Compare seven and thirty four hundredths to 7 36/100 Task 4 Compare 2/10 to.2.2 =.2 4.7 > 4.4 7.34 < 7.36

23 You Do!

24 Try this on for size! Solve the following problem using two representations. Representation 1: Number line Representation 2: Your choice! Shelby was measuring the width of a paperclip and found that it was 1/2 inch. What decimal is equivalent to width of the paperclip?

25 Share Out

26 Math Stations BasketballDismissal Dilemma Taxi TroubleCell Phone Plans Flag Fractions Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Group 5Group 1Group 2Group 3 Group 4Group 5Group 1Group 2 Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 1

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