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Distributed Observation & Evidence-based Capture for the Improvement of Classroom Practices Arthur Recesso Learning & Performance Support Laboratory University.

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Presentation on theme: "Distributed Observation & Evidence-based Capture for the Improvement of Classroom Practices Arthur Recesso Learning & Performance Support Laboratory University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Observation & Evidence-based Capture for the Improvement of Classroom Practices Arthur Recesso Learning & Performance Support Laboratory University of Georgia

2 Problem Improve communication for student teachers in remote locations Overcome geographic barriers Improve timeliness of observation and support

3 Funded Initiative US Department of Education Preparing Tomorrows Teachers to use Technology (PT3) Southern Region of Georgia Rural but Technology Integration High Funded for 3 years to address problem

4 Objectives Low cost and replicable in poor rural schools Technically able to be supported in schools Multiple points of presence and continuous presence High quality audio and video 1 year evaluation or R&D

5 Solution Centralized MCU Polycom or Camcorder Endpoint NAT Problem Cost effective for schools

6 Implementation Communication – Faculty supervisor to student teacher – Improved communication More often Higher quality More timely Initially 9 user system 3 rd year upgraded to 60 user with data sharing

7 Unplanned Success Deaf consumer support

8 Unplanned Success Remote observation

9 Implications for Future Impact Teacher preparation – Evidence anchored to standards and expected outcomes – Tool for Reflection Teacher Professional Learning – Tool for reflection – National Board Certification – State Certification?

10 Implications for Future Impact Improve mentoring – Teachers stay in classrooms – Use of evidence – Tool for Reflection

11 Implications for Future Impact Leadership – Distributive Leadership – Community Building – Evidence-based Improvement of Practice Improve observation and feedback – Evidence-based Decision Making Resources Professional development

12 Add PBI pics and clips here



15 Emerging Technologies Extract evidence of practice – Repurposing – Avoid recollection Markup of Assets – Breakdown learning events – Identify clips of interest Target Events – Further analysis – Remediation or sharing

16 Emerging Technologies Associate Resources Lesson plans Assessments Content resources Learning Opportunities Schematics – Metadata tagging Backend Technologies – Database – Application development

17 Emerging Technologies High compression video Remote coding Mass storage

18 Summary Potential to … Overcome barriers Improve communication in many ways Improve capacity Improve access Increase retention of teachers

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