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MOVING IMAGE COLLECTIONS A Window to the Worlds Moving Images Grace Agnew – March 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "MOVING IMAGE COLLECTIONS A Window to the Worlds Moving Images Grace Agnew – March 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOVING IMAGE COLLECTIONS A Window to the Worlds Moving Images Grace Agnew – March 2004

2 MIC is A window to the worlds moving images A portal intended to integrate moving images into the education mainstream A research and collaboration space for moving image archivists

3 Moving Image Collections MIC is: A collaboration of the Library of Congress and the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the National Science Digital Library

4 State of the field: Diversity Collections Institutional types Available resources Missions Standards Users

5 Basic Components Union Catalog Archive Directory Education and Outreach Space Dynamic, contextual portals Cataloging utility (Phase II)


7 Organization Directory Contact information, home page URL, logo Collection and service descriptions Preservation activities Cataloging activities How to obtain materials Administrative information Certificate-based authentication/authorization




11 MIC Core Semantic Registry Core Semantic Bibliographic Registry: Describes moving images in a consistent matter, from heterogeneous source data Supports core user needs: find, identify, select and obtain maps readily to reference schema: MARC, MPEG-7, DC, (IEEE LOM, MODS)

12 MIC Core Semantic Registry Described in modified ISO 11173 registry format 46 possible data elements

13 Reference Schema Mapping MARC MPEG-7 Dublin Core MODS (Future) IEEE LOM (Future) Goal: Rich Description in multiple Schema




17 Organization Directory Intersects with the Union Catalog for: pre-selection for union catalog searches provide information about the organization, particularly obtaining resources, audience served, location, etc. OrgID Org Directory Union Catalog




21 PORTALS and organization descriptions specific to community Resource and organization descriptions specific to community PortalID in both Org Directory and Union Catalog retrieves portal-specific information PortalID in both Org Directory and Union Catalog retrieves portal-specific information PortalID Org Directory Union Catalog





26 Education & Outreach: A critical concern


28 Participate in MIC Join the Directory Database Requirement: ownership/management of at least one moving image to be permanently preserved. Opportunities to participate in education, outreach and research collaborations Advertisement for your collections and services to a diverse international audience Interaction with experienced archivists preserving rich media in any format.

29 Visit MIC: Project website: Developers: Rutgers University Libraries Georgia Tech Interactive Media Technology Center Georgia Tech Interactive Media Technology Center University of Washington Communications & Computing (CAC) University of Washington Communications & Computing (CAC)

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