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Welcome to Math 6 +- x Review of Lessons 12-19. The Connector… Let’s review each of the skills we learned since Lesson 12 and go over the key points again.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Math 6 +- x Review of Lessons 12-19. The Connector… Let’s review each of the skills we learned since Lesson 12 and go over the key points again."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Math 6 +- x Review of Lessons 12-19

2 The Connector… Let’s review each of the skills we learned since Lesson 12 and go over the key points again.

3 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 12: Each student will: 1.Be able to explain the distributive property. 2.Understand that multiplication works because of the distributive property 3.Use the standard algorithm of multiplication to find a product.

4 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 13: Each student will: 1.Use the standard algorithm to divide whole numbers by 1, 2 and 3 digit divisors. 2.Express the quotient either as a whole number with remainder or as a decimal.

5 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 14: Each student will: 1.Divide fractions by whole numbers 2.Divide whole numbers by fractions. 3.Divide fractions by fractions

6 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 15: Each student will: 1-Make reasonable estimates adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing with decimals. 2-Compare, add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals.

7 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 16: Each student will: Use a percent to find a part of a whole.

8 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 17: Each student will: 1.Use a conversion factor to change from one unit to another. 2.Use conversion factors to solve problems.

9 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 18: Each student will: 1.Explain the meaning of the term scale factor. 2.Understand ratios and proportions in scale drawings and models. 3.Use ratios and proportions with scale.

10 OBJECTIVES FROM LESSON 19: Each student will: 1.Use properties of similar triangles to solve problems of indirect measurement.


12 Assessment #2 ASSIGNMENTS

13 Proportions are one of the most powerful concepts that you will find. CONCLUSION

14 Do you see one man in this picture... or several people? If you look very carefully, you'll find 9 different faces in the picture; the 9th belongs to a dog.

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