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Volcanoes. I. Molten rock A. Magma- beneath the Earth’s surface.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes. I. Molten rock A. Magma- beneath the Earth’s surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes

2 I. Molten rock A. Magma- beneath the Earth’s surface

3 I. Molten rock B. Lava- magma that extrudes onto the surface of the Earth

4 Lava

5 C. Types of Lava 1. Pahoehoe- (pa-ho-ay-ho-ay)  freely flowing lava  forms a thin skin with wrinkles  looks like twisted rope when solid  Can walk on it if cool

6 Pahoehoe lava

7 C. Types of Lava 2. Aa- (ah-ah)  rough, jagged surface  dangerously sharp edges  walking on it very perilous !

8 Aa lava

9 D. Different types of Cones 1. Shield Volcanoes a. built by a steady supply of very fluid basaltic lava. b. Have a broad, gently sloping cone that resembles a shield. c. E.g. Mauna Loa in Hawaii - largest volcano on earth

10 Shield Volcano

11 Shield Volcano - Mauna Loa

12 Shield volcano Mauna Loa

13 D. Different types of Cones 2.Cinder Cones a.very steep, but not high b. formed from explosive eruptions from a single vent. c. E.g. Sunset Crater- Arizona d. E.g. Paricutin- Mexico

14 Cinder Cone

15 Sunset Crater- Arizona

16 Paricutin- Mexico


18 Cinder Cone - Capulin Mtn.

19 3. Composite Cone

20 D. Different types of Cones 3.Composite Cone a. a.k.a. Stratovolcano b. erupts both lava and ash c. has a steep summit

21 Composite Cone Mt. Rainier

22 Composite Cone Mt. St. Helens

23 D. Different types of Cones 3.Composite Cone d. has gently sloping sides e. erupts explosively f. E.g. Mt. Vesuvius Mount Pele, Mt. St Helens Mt. St Helens Mt. Pinatubo

24 III. Craters A. formed at the central vent of an erupting volcano. B. Increase in size during eruptions

25 III. Craters

26 C. Calderas 1. Remnant of a volcano that erupted 2. very large crater > 5km in diameter

27 Caldera

28 Caldera

29 Caldera- Santorini, Italy

30 Caldera (location unknown)

31 Caldera – Kilauea (Hawaii)

32 III. Craters C. Calderas 3. E.g. Yellowstone National Park Park a. Remnant of a volcano that erupted 600,000 yrs ago. b. Hot springs, bubbling mud, steaming pools, geysers

33 Yellowstone National Park

34 Caldera - Yellowstone National Park

35 Caldera – Olympus Mons (Mars)

36 III. Craters C. Calderas 4. E.g.Bahia de Banderas a. The bay at Puerto Vallarta b. Outer edge - islands in bay c. Inner edge is the coastline d. Volcano no longer active

37 Bahia de Banderas

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