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Why Graduate from High School?. Money High School Graduates earn an average of $143 per week more than a dropout. Go on to college and you’ll earn an.

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1 Why Graduate from High School?

2 Money High School Graduates earn an average of $143 per week more than a dropout. Go on to college and you’ll earn an average of $479 more per week.

3 Better Jobs Most jobs that pay more than minimum wage require a high school diploma. The military requires a high school diploma for 90% of new recruits. Higher paying jobs usually include health/dental insurance and retirement plans.

4 Opportunities Living above the poverty line (family of 4 making less than $23,850 per year) allows you access to: Better housing and neighborhoods Better food Recreation/travel Health care 82% of prisoners are high school dropouts

5 Added Bonuses Boosts confidence and self- esteem Build relationships that last Be a role model to siblings and friends Know a variety of things Helps you discover your skills and abilities More likely to be happy

6 What Do You Have to Do? Be in school everyday you can Understand that you are preparing for your future Listen and participate in lessons Do the work and turn it in on time Treat others with respect All of these things will help you when you are an adult to have the best life you can make for yourself!

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