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Author: Lloyd Alexander Illustrator: Ezra Jack Keats.

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Lloyd Alexander Illustrator: Ezra Jack Keats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Lloyd Alexander Illustrator: Ezra Jack Keats

2 Write the Word. Find the Vowel Patterns. How many syllables?Split into syllables. 1. school 2. scholar 3. scholarship 4. scholastic 5. kingdom 6. freedom 7. wisdom 8. boredom 9. 10.

3 Write the Word. Find the Vowel Patterns. How many syllables?Split into syllables. 1. splendid 2. splendor 3. candid 4. candor 5. collector 6. editor 7. administrator 8. 9. 10.

4 Word Knowledge cold cool dirty messy sad unhappy close shut finished Done largehuge What do these words have in common?

5 Word Knowledge 1: school scholar scholarship scholastic 2: kingdom freedom wisdom boredom 3: splendid splendor candid candor 4: The poor man asked the scholar for help. 5:The fountain would have used all the water in the kingdom. 6. The king planned a splendid fountain.

6 Word Knowledge 1: school scholar scholarship scholastic LineCommonalitiesRuleExamples 1The words all come from the same root, schol, which means school. school scholar scholarship scholastic scholarly

7 Word Knowledge 2: kingdom freedom wisdom boredom LineCommonalitiesRuleExamples 2 state of quality of The root words end with the suffix –dom, which means state of or quality of. Adding the suffix –dom, makes the part of speech for the word a NOUN. queendom stardom random seldom

8 Word Knowledge 3: splendid splendor candid candor LineCommonalitiesRuleExamples 3The words end with the suffix –id or –or. horrid horror rancid vivid counselor educator

9 goose food stool rooster broom caboose cartoon

10 know whole swallow commotion grindstone

11 pigpen = pig + pen downhill = ___+ ___ barnyard = ___ + ___ afternoon = ___ + ___ seashell = ___ + _____ teapot = ____ + ____ doorbell = ___ + ____

12 #2 The cheerleaders root for the team. #1 Go through the orchard, root up the sod! Go down through the garden, dig up the radishes root up everything. A. To dig #3 The roots of the saguaro cactus are very long. -------------------------------------- B. To support a team C. The part of the plant in the ground

13 #2 The baby slops her food across the room. #1 I’ll go and get a bucket of slops. A. verb- makes a mess B. noun- food for pigs

14 The food smelled appetizing. Identify the word with the /oo/ sound. Identify the root of smelled. Identify the root of appetizing. food smell appetize

15 Objective: Today we will learn new words so that we can better understand what we read.

16 The King’s Fountain Vocabulary follyponderedloftydowncastdismayed rashwrathdesperatelyeloquence

17 How can we figure out the meaning of a word?  apposition – the definition of a word is found between two commas.  prefix  base word (Show word structure posters)  suffix  context clues – help you figure out the meaning of a word, by using the other words in the sentence as clues. The porcelain doll my late great grandmother gave me is priceless.

18 Context Clues When you are reading a story and come across a word you do not know, use it’s context – the information, words, and sentences around the unfamiliar word – to find out its meaning. Context clues help you figure out the meaning of a word!!!

19 Notebook Files Movie Clip (Under Comprehension Strategies)

20 Definition: foolishness Synonym: foolishness, unwise, silly Antonym: smart, intelligent, wise Part of Speech: noun

21 Definition: thought about Base + Suffix: ponder + -ed Synonym: thought, brainstorm, contemplate Antonym: forget, ignore Part of Speech: verb

22 Definition: noble or grand Synonym: high, soaring, majestic Antonym: low, insignificant, mediocre Part of Speech: adjective

23 Definition: sad or discouraged Compound Word: down + cast Synonym: depressed, unhappy, disappointed Antonym: cheerful, elated, satisfied Part of Speech: adjective

24 Definition: upset or alarmed Base + Suffix: dismay + ed Synonym: frightened, perplexed, startled Antonym: confident, brave Part of Speech: verb/adjective

25 Definition: hasty or reckless Synonym: hasty, impulsive, impetuous Antonym: careful, thoughtful, cautious Part of Speech: adjective What is another meaning of rash?

26 Definition: anger Synonym: fury, rage, anger Antonym: happiness, love Part of Speech: noun

27 Definition: hopelessly Base + Suffix: desperate + -ly Synonym: crazily, hysterically, seriously Antonym: calmly, patiently Part of Speech: adverb

28 Definition: the ability to express ideas with grace and force Base: eloquent Synonym: expression, poise, articulation Antonym: dullness, boredom Part of Speech: noun

29 The King’s Fountain Genre- Folktale Point of View- Third Person Author’s Purpose- Entertain Taking risks is often necessary in times of great need. Sometimes the consequences of not taking a risk are greater than the consequences of taking one. A poor man confronts a king who is selfishly planning to build a great fountain, which will cut off a city’s water supply. The poor man is determined to save his family and city and consults a wise scholar, a clever merchant, and a fearless metalsmith. Finding no help, the poor man risks his life to speak to the king himself…


31 Clues, Problems, Wonderings Let’s browse the historical fiction story The King’s Fountain and look for clues about the story, problems you may have while reading the story, and wonderings you have about the story. This is a fiction story, so we only want to browse the first few pages so as not to give away the ending. We want to write our findings in note form.


33 Big Ideas  Taking risks is often necessary in times of great need.  The consequences of not taking some risks are sometimes worse than the consequences of taking them.


35 Folktale Mini Book For each element of what makes a folktale, use an example from the story. R/W Workbook p. 35 - 36

36 R/W Workbook Pages Use Notebook Files Use Websites

37 Inquiry Journal Use Icons of Depth and Complexity Focus on Big Ideas

38 Subject and Verb Agreement  The subject of a sentence is the word or words that refer to the person or thing that performs or receives the action of the verb.  The verb is the word that refers to the action.  In a sentence, the verb must agree with the subject. If the subject is singular, the verb also must be singular.

39 Examples 1. Jamie and Brenda (run, runs) from base to base. 2. The children (enjoy, enjoys) a good baseball game. 3. Max and Joanna (need, needs) a book on baseball. 4. The baby (crawl, crawls) over the bat. 5. Jean and Amy (wear, wears) a baseball cap every day.

40 Notebook Files – Choosing the Right One (Grammar Folder) Choosing the Right One (Parts of Speech Folder)

41 Listening and Speaking How to be a good listener… How to be a good speaker… Brainpop Jr. Movie…

42 Multiple-Meaning Words  Multiple-Meaning words are words that have more than one meaning or definition. Some words have different meanings in different sentences.  Examples: –park –change –coat –tag

43 What are Contractions? Contractions are usually 2 words that have been combined into a shorter word. An apostrophe (‘) is used to take the place of the missing letter or letters. Contractions can be quite informal. They are frequently used when speaking. When using them in writing, think of who you are writing to.

44 Match the words with it’s contraction… she is they would we are you have could not do not it is there is was not they’d wasn’t couldn’t you’ve she’s there’s we’re don’t it’s Use each contraction in a sentence.

45 Notebook Files – Contractions Contraction Action Homework – R/W Workbook p. 47-48 Brainpop and Brainpop Jr. - Contractions

46 Figurative Language Figurative Language uses words to make comparisons of different things to create pictures. Three kinds of figurative language are:  Similes: use like or as -Example: He was as quiet as a mouse.  Metaphors: don’t use like or as. -Example: He was a bear.  Personification: describes animals or things as if they were people. -Example: The goat said, “Wait for me!” ***Let’s practice figurative language…

47 Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia are words that imitate the sound it represents. They are words that describe a sound. Examples: –Oink –Swoosh –Ring Ring –Beep Beep –Tweet –Moo Keep a look out for onomatopoeia in stories we read. Onomatopoeia Sound Clip (Notebook File - Literary Elements)

48 Definition: foolishness Synonym: foolishness, unwise, silly Antonym: smart, intelligent, wise Part of Speech: noun

49 Definition: thought about Base + Suffix: ponder + -ed Synonym: thought, brainstorm, contemplate Antonym: forget, ignore Part of Speech: verb

50 Definition: noble or grand Synonym: high, soaring, majestic Antonym: low, insignificant, mediocre Part of Speech: adjective

51 Definition: sad or discouraged Compound Word: down + cast Synonym: depressed, unhappy, disappointed Antonym: cheerful, elated, satisfied Part of Speech: adjective

52 Definition: upset or alarmed Base + Suffix: dismay + ed Synonym: frightened, perplexed, startled Antonym: confident, brave Part of Speech: verb/adjective

53 Definition: hasty or reckless Synonym: hasty, impulsive, impetuous Antonym: careful, thoughtful, cautious Part of Speech: adjective What is another meaning of rash?

54 Definition: anger Synonym: fury, rage, anger Antonym: happiness, love Part of Speech: noun

55 Definition: hopelessly Base + Suffix: desperate + -ly Synonym: crazily, hysterically, seriously Antonym: calmly, patiently Part of Speech: adverb

56 Definition: the ability to express ideas with grace and force Base: eloquent Synonym: expression, poise, articulation Antonym: dullness, boredom Part of Speech: noun

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