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Why Study New Testament? 1.Continuation of God ’ s Word to His People Old Testament New Testament Prophecy Fulfillment Climax of God ’ s Word in His Son.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Study New Testament? 1.Continuation of God ’ s Word to His People Old Testament New Testament Prophecy Fulfillment Climax of God ’ s Word in His Son."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Study New Testament? 1.Continuation of God ’ s Word to His People Old Testament New Testament Prophecy Fulfillment Climax of God ’ s Word in His Son 2. Climax of God ’ s Word in His Son Hebrews 1:1-4 John 1:1-18 3. Ultimate Personal Significance

2 If a New Testament, What Was Old? If a New Testament, What Was Old? The Old Testament l The Hebrew Bible l The Three sections –Torah/Law –Prophets (Former Prophets & Latter Prophets) –Writings Other Options: “ First Testament, Hebrew Bible ” etc.

3 The Hebrew Bible

4 English Old Testament

5 New Testament Canon

6 Why These 27 Books 1. Old Testament Precedent for a Canon 2. Inspiration 2 Timothy 3:16 (God-breathed) Compare language of Gen 2:4-7 How does this compare to our contemporary discussion of inerrant-Without error in matters of science or history infallible-Without error in matters of faith or doctrine

7 Why These 27 Books 3. Recognition of the Canon in the Church Marks of Apostolic authorship Evidence of 1 st Century origin Apostolic Message (orthodoxy)

8 JewishChristian FoundationsDevelopment LAW PROPHETS WRITINGS Gospel Acts JESUS Letters Apocalypse

9 GENERAL OVERVIEW 30 AD 170 300 400 Writing Circulation Collections Sifting & Separation Ratification 140 MARCION 303 EUSEBIUS 393/397 COUNCILS OF HIPPO/ CARTHAGE 170-200 IRENAEUS CLEMENT TERTULLIAN MURATORIAN 367 ATHANASIUS’ Letter

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