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WELCOME TO 2015! It is a NEW YEAR and we have lots of History to learn. History is not just about dates. It is about feelings, moments you want to treasure,

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO 2015! It is a NEW YEAR and we have lots of History to learn. History is not just about dates. It is about feelings, moments you want to treasure,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO 2015! It is a NEW YEAR and we have lots of History to learn. History is not just about dates. It is about feelings, moments you want to treasure, and lessons you will never forget. History is also about what is happening now, and what we will be making or doing tomorrow. So, don’t waste ‘your History’ waiting for something to happen. Change your world in 2015! Sit Down Quietly and have your Composition Book and Planner on your desk! [YOU ARE TO BRING YOUR COMPOSITION BOOK EVERDAY TO THIS CLASS!!!] DO NOW : Copy Mr. R’s 6 Commandments in your Composition Book 1. Be on time, in your seat, and prepared with materials when the bell rings. 2. Be respectful to each other & everyone who enters the classroom. 3. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. 4. Raise your hand if you have a question (otherwise No TALKING), or need to get out of your seat. 5. No food, drinks, or electronics (Water is okay). 6. Obey all Carr Intermediate School & District Rules!

2 MR. R’s COMMANDMENTS There are only six basic classroom commandments. Following these commandments will help keep our class environment peaceful and productive. If you choose not to adhere to the commandments, there will be logical consequences.

3 REVIEW & MODEL COMMANDMENTS 1. Be on time, in your seat, and prepared with materials when the bell rings. 2. Be respectful to each other, the classroom, and everyone who enters the classroom. 3. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. 4. Raise your hand if you have a question (otherwise No TALKING), or need to get up from your seat. 5. No food, drinks, or electronics – turn off! [Water is Okay] 6. Obey ALL Carr Intermediate School & district rules!!

4 Consequences 1 st Offense: Verbal Warning 2 nd Offense: Name on board and Write, “Why I am Here” letter. 3 rd Offense: Name on board, Parent Phone call, & 15-minute detention 4 th Offense: Office Referral ***Zero Tolerance for violence, profane language, or bullying, and automatic Office Referral!

5 PREVIEW ANCIENT HEBREWS You will learn that unlike their neighbors (the Egyptians) who worshipped many gods, the ancient Hebrews believed that there was one God who set rules of what is right and good. Watch 8 minute video “Brief History of Hebrews & Judaism” from class website.

6 HOMEWORK Write HW in your planner and have your parent/guardian sign your planner that you did your Homework! Check front Whiteboard for your name on Missing Assignments. Makeup Egypt TEST is TUESDAY at lunch, and all other assignments are due by Monday, Jan. 12 th ! READ pages 132- 135 in your textbook and in your Composition Book define the following terms from your textbook: monotheism (pg. 132) ethical (pg. 132) covenant (pg. 134) commandment (pg. 135) BRING Your Interactive Reading & Study Guide WORKBOOK to class tomorrow!

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