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Section 1.1.1 Lesson 1: Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 1.1.1 Lesson 1: Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 1.1.1 Lesson 1: Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you

2 Learning Objectives and Outcomes W.A.L.F a.Explain what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle b.Classify the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle as social, physical or mental c.Describe the positive effects of physical activity d.Explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate cooperation, competition, physical challenge, aesthetic appreciation and social mixing W.I.L.F All of you will understand what constitutes a healthy active lifestyle Most of you will understand what constitutes to a healthy active lifestyle and be able to answer exam questions with help from the teacher Some of you will understand what constitutes a healthy active lifestyle and be able to answer exam questions independently

3 Key Definition Healthy, active lifestyle = A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and includes regular exercise and physical activity a. Explain what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle

4 The three areas of benefit to a healthy active lifestyle are: Physical Social Mental

5 Task: Discuss in pairs which category the following benefits belong to: Work with others Aesthetic appreciation Mix with others Increase fitness Improve performance Develop teamwork/cooperation Increase self/esteem and confidence Mental challenge Physical challenge Meet old/current friends Relieve and/or prevent stress and tension Help the individual feel good Contribute to good physical health Contribute to enjoyment of life Make new friends Help the individual feel good

6 Reasons for taking part in an activity or sport: Physical Contribute to good physical health Physical challenge Increase fitness Improve performance

7 Social Mix with others Make new friends Meet old/current friends Develop teamwork/cooperation Work with others

8 Mental (or psychological) Relieve and/or prevent stress and tension Mental challenge Increase self – esteem and confidence Help the individual feel good Contribute to enjoyment of life Aesthetic appreciation

9 b. Classify the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle as social, physical or mental

10 Examples of Benefits Is it possible to gain all of these benefits from the same activity and at the same time?

11 Playing in a competition or team sport can be a physical challenge: you will be burning calories, your heart rate will be increasing into the target zone, and you will be improving your levels of fitness, endurance and overall health PHYSICAL BENEFITS

12 Competing is a mental challenge. Which has the benefits of helping you forget about your worries in you life and relieving stress MENTAL BENEFITS

13 cooperation As part of a team you will be mixing with others, working with others, developing teamwork and cooperation. You will often make new friends through playing in a team. SOCIAL BENEFITS

14 Key Definition Aesthetic appreciation = seeing the beauty in the performance. It can be found in any activity and provides the mental benefit of satisfaction


16 d. Explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate cooperation, competition, physical challenge, aesthetic appreciation and social mixing

17 Question 1 Which of the following statements best describes a physical benefit of exercise? A.Enjoying playing for your team B.Gaining an aesthetic appreciation of movement C.Feeling better about body shape D.Improving body shape

18 Question 2 Which of the following best describes a mental benefit of exercise? A.Meeting new people B.Losing weight C.Relieving stress D.Improved performance

19 Question 3 Which of the following statements best describes a social benefit of exercise? A.Increasing fitness levels B.Increased self – esteem and confidence C.Make new friends D.Aesthetic appreciation

20 Question 4 Which of the benefits of exercise (mental, physical, and social) would best match each of the following statements? 1.I participate in exercise to relieve stress 2.I joined a local sports club so that I could get out more and meet new people 3. I restarted my training after Christmas to try to lose weight

21 Answers 1.D: Improving body shape = Physical 2.C: Relieving stress = Mental 3.C: Make new friends = Social 4.1 = Mental 2 = Social 3 = Physical

22 The Benefits of Exercise Quiz

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