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Managing Emotions STRESS RESPONSE Objectives: Cause of stress Effects on the body Stages of stress response.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Emotions STRESS RESPONSE Objectives: Cause of stress Effects on the body Stages of stress response."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Emotions STRESS RESPONSE Objectives: Cause of stress Effects on the body Stages of stress response

2 What do you know? Make a three section, horizontal foldable. On your foldable, write on the back what you want to know about stress On the back write what you know about stress. –What causes stress? –What is the bodies response to stress? Be prepared to share your thoughts

3 Stress: The body and minds reaction to everyday challenges and demands. Cause? Stress response, three stages ALARM!!!! On the foldable (section one - outside). Write ALARM and as many “flight or fight” body response to stress reactions as you can remember.

4 Managing Stress For this section you will need to divide your paper into a T. Label the left side dah, the right side new dahnew

5 ALARM RESPONSE stage one Pupils dilate Increase in sweat Increase in heart rate and pulse Rise in blood pressure Breathing rate quickens Narrowing of arteries to organs and skin Increase blood flow to muscles and brain Increase in muscle tension Release of blood sugar, fats and cholesterol

6 Stage two - Resistance If exposure to the stressor continues, the next stage is RESISTANCE Write stage two of the stress response on the outside of your foldable. –Body briefly adapts to the stressor and performs at a higher level of endurance

7 Stage three – Example of resistance Think of the meaning of this word and other places you apply the concept. Be prepared to share your example –Think of classes, activities, or prior experience with an adrenaline rush.

8 Flight or Fight -Action To briefly perform at a higher level of performance to avoid danger Flight = run faster or farther then normal to avoid danger Fight = ability to resist a physical challenge or attack

9 Resistance In the middle of your foldable: Briefly describe a story of when you used RESISTENCE to avoid danger or help another person, or write about a story that you have heard.

10 Stage three - Fatigue Write FATIGUE and the third, outside section of your foldable A feeling of exhaustion after the body loses the ability to adapt to the situation. THINK: There are three types of fatigue…When you are tired, what is the cause (reason)? –Be prepared to share

11 Types of FATIGUE In the middle of your foldable –Physical (related to over working muscles) –Psychological ( related to constant worry, depression, boredom, isolation, or overwhelmed by too many responsibilities) –Pathological Overworking bodies defense – disease Minor to major such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke.

12 Understanding check What is stress? Identify the first stage of the stress response. What is the purpose of this reaction? What is the second stage of the stress response? What is the purpose of this stage? What is the final stage of the bodies response to stress? How is the body affected in stage three of the stress response?

13 Types of stressors Not everyone is in danger of getting run over in the street. What categories of stressors have psychologists identified as potential variables? –Make a list……

14 Biological Stressors IllnessDisabilitiesInjuries What biological stressors might you identify that motivate the need for stress management techniques?

15 Environmental stressors PovertyPollutionCrowdingNoise Natural disasters Natural disastersEconomy –Personal cognitive reflection

16 Cognitive Stressors The way a situation is perceived How this situation affects you Cognitive moment: How might how you perceive a situation change the way you react?

17 Personal behavior stressors Negative reactions in the body and mind caused by: TobaccoAlcohol Other misused, abused drugs Poor nutritional habits Lack of proper exercise –CM: What might you do differently?

18 Life Situation Stressors Death of a pet Separation or divorce of parents relationship troubles with peers CM: Question for thought….Have you ever taken a moment to focus on the events you have direct control over vs. the events you do not?

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