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Pima County JTED PRESENTS Wellness: Stress Analyze sources of stress and stress management techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Pima County JTED PRESENTS Wellness: Stress Analyze sources of stress and stress management techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pima County JTED PRESENTS Wellness: Stress Analyze sources of stress and stress management techniques

2 Bellwork 9/15/2015PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED 20102 Think of the last time you felt stress. Write down the cause of your stress. How did it make you feel? What did you do to cope? Be prepared to share.

3 Objectives 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 20103 Define stress Explain why knowing what causes stress and how to cope is important Identify situations that cause feelings of stress Determine and discuss positive/healthy ways to cope with stressful situations

4 Terminology 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 20104 Objective: Define stress Stress Stress: Mental, emotional, or physical strain caused, e.g. by anxiety or overwork.

5 Terminology 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 20105 Objective: Define cope Cope Cope: To deal successfully with a difficult problem or situation.

6 Terminology 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 20106 Objective: Define cope Positive stressor Positive stressor: the excitement that is felt by people when they are confronted by a demanding situation

7 Terminology 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 20107 Objective: Define cope Negative stressor Negative stressor: the feeling of distress people feel when they are confronted by a demanding situation.

8 Effects of Stress 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 20108... On your body Objective: Explain why knowing what causes stress and how to cope is important

9 Effects of Stress 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 20109... On your thoughts and feelings Anxiety Restlessness Worrying Irritability Depression Sadness Anger Feeling insecure Lack of focus Burnout Forgetfulness Objective: Explain why knowing what causes stress and how to cope is important

10 Effects of Stress 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201010... On your behavior Objective: Explain why knowing what causes stress and how to cope is important

11 Why is it important to know what causes stress and how to cope? 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201011 Objective: Explain why knowing what causes stress and how to cope is important 1.Write your answer to this question 2.Share your answer with a partner 3.Be prepared to share your answer with the class

12 Poster Rotation 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201012 Objective: Identify situations that cause feelings of stress 1.Identify sources of stress on each poster. 2.After time in called (2-3 minutes per poster), rotate to the poster on your right. Sources of Stress

13 Coping with Stress Exercise or take a walk (This is one of the most effective ways of dealing with stress!!!) 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201013

14 Coping with Stress Take time to think and relax Read a good book Work on a hobby Play an instrument Listen to music 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201014

15 Coping with Stress Be aware of foods you eat. Some foods with high fat, sugar, caffeine, salt and additives can contribute to stress! 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201015

16 Coping with Stress Breathe deeply and use breathing exercises Talk with friends or family Plan Laugh Spend time with friends 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201016

17 Coping with Stress Seek help from a parent, teacher or trustworthy adult if the stress gets to be too much!!!!!! 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201017

18 Closure On an index card, write down your top five ways to cope with stress. Challenge: Keep this card handy as a reminder to yourself when you are faced with your next stressful situation. 9/15/2015Property of Pima County JTED 201018 Be prepared to share ! Create a reminder card: 1.Laugh 2.Listen to music 3.Breathe 4.Call a friend 5.Read a book

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