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Buddhism: 4 th largest religion in the World Founded in Northern India by Siddhartha Gautama Currently practiced primarily in various parts of Asia-particularly.

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1 Buddhism: 4 th largest religion in the World Founded in Northern India by Siddhartha Gautama Currently practiced primarily in various parts of Asia-particularly China

2 Who is Siddhartha Gautama? Born a prince of the aristocratic warrior caste near the foothills of the Himalayas; legend says the earth shook when he was born Member of the Sakyas clan, which his father was king of Believed in reincarnation and believed upon his birth he would be Chief of the world He was raised to be Hindu Married young and had four visions/trips after his son was born which inspired him to find a spiritual solution to problems within human suffering; Guatama left his family to do so

3 Seeking a solution… First tried meditation- couldn’t last forever Joined a Brahmanism group where he practiced breath control and fasting Still sought a better way to achieve Nirvana: a state of liberation and freedom from suffering

4 Attaining Enlightenment Experienced major spiritual breakthroughs at the age of 35 after sitting under a tree and said he underwent a series of understandings: Ability to recall his previous reincarnations Ability to see the effects of good and bad deeds on reincarnation He had progressed beyond spiritual stages and had officially attained nirvana to the point that he would never again be reincarnated into a future life Therefore he become a “savior” and assumed the title “lord buddha” meaning one who has been awakened and achieved enlightenment

5 After Enlightenment Decided to proclaim his teachings to everyone Shared it with 5 men he had studied with previously who then became Buddhist monks often referred to as the Arhants/saints He then wandered teaching all who would listen and died 45 years later After he died a collection of his works was created called the Tripitaka or Sutras

6 Core beliefs of Buddhism Reincarnation: people are reborn after dying and go through cycles in life from birth to death Rebirth is separate each time in that, each time it happens an individual comes back but in a completely different form; no rebirth is the same After many such cycles, if a person releases their attachment to desire and self they can then attain Nirvana

7 Trainings or Practices: Sila: the act of virtue, good conduct, morality, and equality Samadhi: concentration, meditation and mental development Panna: discernment, wisdom, insight, and enlightenment

8 Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths Dukka: Suffering exists Samudaya: There is a cause for suffering Nirodha: There is an end to suffering Magga: In order to end suffering you must follow the 8 Fold Path

9 8 Fold Path: part of Panna, Sila, and Samadhi Understand the 4 noble truths Follow the right path in life Use the right speech; ex: no lying, criticism, etc. Use the right conduct; follow 5 precepts Support yourself without harming others Promote good thoughts Be aware of your body, mind, and feelings Meditate

10 5 Precepts: Rules to live by Do not kill Do not steal Do not lie Do not misuse sexual relations Do not consume alcohol or drugs

11 Buddhism v. Hinduism Both stress non-violence and believe in karma, dharma, moksha, and the cycle of rebirth Buddhists reject priests, some rituals, the caste system, and many gods of Hinduism Buddhism applies to all regardless of birth and emphasizes enlightenment.

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