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Samples analyzed (golden list + ): SFU from IFUSP – 34 (fine + coarse modes) MOUDI from IFUSP – 2 (9 stages) HiVol from Gent – 22 (fine mode: front and.

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Presentation on theme: "Samples analyzed (golden list + ): SFU from IFUSP – 34 (fine + coarse modes) MOUDI from IFUSP – 2 (9 stages) HiVol from Gent – 22 (fine mode: front and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samples analyzed (golden list + ): SFU from IFUSP – 34 (fine + coarse modes) MOUDI from IFUSP – 2 (9 stages) HiVol from Gent – 22 (fine mode: front and back filters) Ion Chromatography of Rondonia-2002 samples Alla Falkovich, Gal Schkolnic and Yinon Rudich Dept. of Environmental Sciences Weizmann Institute, Rehovot Israel

2 234567 Minutes 1.01 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 uS glyceric (2.261) glycolic (2.325) acetic (2.512) formic (3.254) MSA (3.857) pyruvic (4.070) oxoacetic (5.879) chloride (6.279) nitrite (6.937) 19.019.520.020.5 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 uS citric (19.570) tricarballalic (19.857) 3-hydroxybenzoic (20.255) 14.515.015.516.016.5 1.30 1.40 uS sulfate (14.52) oxalic (14.96) fumaric (15.20) azelaic (15.36) 15.68 ??? 16.016.517.017.518.0 1.20 1.25 1.30 uS syringic (16.159) phthalic (16.305) vanilic (17.001) phosphate (17.225) 4-hydroxybenzoic (17.820) 13.013.514.014.515.0 Minutes 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 uS adipic (13.129) methylsuccinic (13.188) glutaric (13.273) succinic (13.430) malic (13.494) carbonate (13.702) malonic (13.861) maleic (13.987) hydroxymalonic (14.240) sulfate (14.523) oxalic (14.963) fumaric (15.197) azelaic (15.363)

3 SFU (from IFUSP)


5 – fine mode NO3SO4OxalicNH4+K Mean4.242.67.412.114.1 Median2.741.77.111.414.8 Min0. Max15.457.112.919.222.4

6 MOUDI (from IFUSP) Dry period: MDRO39 25-Sept-2002 Day Transition period: MDRO54 18-20-Oct-2002 An apparent coarse mode that contains Cl, NO3 and Ca

7 HiVol (from Ghent) – fine mode

8 NO3SO4OxalicNH4+K Mean4.242.67.412.114.1 Median2.741.77.111.414.8 Min0. Max15.457.112.919.222.4

9 COMPARISONs SFU (IFUSP): IC (WIS) vs. PIXE (IFUSP), ng/m 3 1. Without “zero”s Ca analyzed by IC is nine times higher than that analyzed by PIXE. What is the problem? PIXE problem?

10 COMPARISONs – FINE fraction 2. SFU (IFUSP) – Brener (ISAC): IC (WIS vs ISAC) IonSlopeCorrelation coeff. NO30.430.76 SO41.350.90 Oxalic0.96 NH40.630.94 K1.210.91 Ca3.010.64 SFU (IFUSP) – HiVol (Ghent): IC (WIS intralab) IonSlopeCorrelation coeff. NO30.370.76 SO40.960.90 Oxalic0.560.91 DCA C4-C60.630.85 Vanillic+4hyBe0.790.72 NH40.880.94 K0.830.91 HiVol (Ghent) – Brener (ISAC): IC (WIS vs ISAC) IonSlopeCorrelation coeff. NO31.030.92 SO41.150.84 Oxalic vs WSOC0.87 NH40.590.85 K1.280.87 Ca0.270.34

11 Conclusions 1. 2. 3.

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