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Strategy Development UW-Stout College of Management January-April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy Development UW-Stout College of Management January-April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy Development UW-Stout College of Management January-April 2009

2 As a College, We Value: Our students’ preparation for a challenging and dynamic place in society. The inclusion of diverse ideas. Teaching that is stimulating, current and engaging. Service and scholarly activities that advance and apply expertise in our disciplines.

3 College of Management Mission The College of Management promotes excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and service through an approach to learning that combines theory, practice and experimentation to discover, disseminate and extend knowledge. Every student is afforded the opportunity to collaborate with faculty and industry to understand and apply innovative solutions to real world problems. The college matriculates ethical leaders who are lifelong learners and contribute to the advancement of their professions.

4 The Team Undergraduate PD & Business Dept. Rep. Karen Martinson Department Chair Representative Mike Galloy Graduate PD and O & M Dept. Rep. Kat Lui Department Representation Peter D’Souza – Hospitality & Tourism Lee Esser – Military Science Distance Education and Academic Staff Heidi Rabeneck Graduate Student Linda Handlin – Technology Management Classified Staff Mary Volk – Risk Control Center Undergraduate Students Jared Herman – Military Science/H&T Laura Henneman – Business Administration External Stakeholders Bill Burmesch – IBM Lee Fundanet – Central Group Companies Mark Danovsky – Anderson Corporation Joe Hegge – Chippewa Valley Technical College Dean Carol Mooney Clerical Support Debbie Tenorio Thank You!

5 College of Management Vision Statement UW-Stout’s College of Management is a nationally recognized leader with unique programs, attracting quality students from around the world.

6 Steps in the Planning Process Step 1. Define the Purpose Step 2. Analyze the Environment Step 3. Develop Strategic Goals Step 4. Identify Obstacles Step 5. Devise and Evaluate Strategies Step 6. Assign and Prioritize Objectives Implement the Plan!

7 Confirm Purpose and Perform Environmental Analysis Develop Strategic Goals Develop Strategies Devise Objectives Develop Action Items Timeline 02/0903/0904/09FALL 2009 - ONGOING Implement, Measure and Celebrate COMPLETED

8 Our Four Strategic Goals:  Create and sustain an identity for the College of Management.  Deliver leading-edge, applied programs.  Create an environment where all students and faculty are engaged globally.  Achieve successful career placement for all graduates.

9 Foster external partnerships with business and industry. Be recognized as a top-tier supplier of talent to employers. Objective 1 (Strategy 2) Objective 2 (Strategy 2) Objective 3 (Strategy 2) Objective 1 (Strategy 2) Objective 2 (Strategy 2) Objective 3 (Strategy 2) Objective 1 (Strategy 2) Objective 2 (Strategy 2) Objective 3 (Strategy 3) Objective 3 (Strategy 1) Objective 1 (Strategy 1) Objective 2 (Strategy 1) Objective 1 (Strategy 2) Objective 2 (Strategy 2) Objective 3 (Strategy 2) Objective 3 (Strategy 1) Objective 2 (Strategy 1) Objective 1 (Strategy 1) Objective 1 (Strategy 1) Objective 2 (Strategy 1) Objective 3 (Strategy 1) Objective 1 Strategy 2) Objective 1 Strategy 3) Objective 2 (Strategy 2) Objective 1 (Strategy 3) Facilitate global engagement opportunities for faculty and staff. Identify and engage in existing global opportunities. Increase recognition of COM achievements and capabilities in broader communities. Build common awareness of COM strategic direction among all faculty & staff. Goal 3: Create an environment where all faculty and students are engaged globally. Goal 1: Create and sustain an identity for COM. Goal 2: Deliver leading-edge, applied programs. Vision: UW-Stout College of Management is a nationally recognized leader with unique programs, attracting quality students from around the world. Goal 4: Achieve successful career placement for all graduates. Optimize existing COM/ UW- Stout resources (including Discovery Center). Require quality instruction. Develop and foster faculty and student relationships with industry partners. Continually evaluate programs to meet leading- edge metrics. Objective 1 (Strategy 4) Objective 2 (Strategy 4) Objective 3 (Strategy 4) Develop opportunities for global student engagement. Objective 3 (Strategy 3) Objective 2 Strategy 3) Objective 1 (Strategy 3) Maintain active relationships with alumni. Objective 1 (Strategy 3) Objective 2 (Strategy 3)

10 Inputs Strategic goals aligned with vision, mission, and values Key Performance Indicators & Targets List of obstacles in achieving the strategic goals Outputs Selected strategies for achieving each goal Facilitation Aids Strategy evaluation worksheet Risk/reward/resource analysis How We Developed Our Strategies

11 Goal 2: Deliver leading-edge applied programs. (programs) Key Performance Indicators Obstacles, Issues, or Concerns affecting goal achievement Strategy(ies)  Grants funded  Number of faculty receiving training  Number of surveyed on campus recognizing COM’s purpose??  Number of faculty receiving release for program development  Strength of linkages with Stout Foundation  Grant writing resources  University available release/training  Raise awareness  Competitive process for limited resources  Prioritize list of individuals  Stout Foundation  Optimize existing College of Management/ UW-Stout resources  Number of programs with industry advisory boards  Number of faculty working with industry projects  Number of students working with industry projects  Number/value of industry foundation contributions  Number of collaborative resource sharings (lab, plant/equipment, etc.)  Number of technology gifts  Number of industry training events for faculty/students (bring resources of industry to faculty/students)  “Sounding board”  Faculty on release  Foundation building  Resource sharing (labs, etc.)  Technology gifts  Training  Develop and foster faculty and student relationships with industry partners  Performance to metrics  Leading edge faculty hired and retained  Standardized review processes followed  Advisory board approval of programs  Number of students engaged in programs  Weak standardized metrics  Recruitment and retention of faculty  Internal review  External review  Advisory board  Student engagement  Continually evaluate programs to meet leading-edge metrics  Retention rate of students  NISSE – student engagement  GPAs and test scores  Coop/internships  Grant writing (faculty)  State-of-the-art labs  Accreditation  Improvement on graduate follow-up studies  New programs and courses – year  Weak compilation of standardized metrics for programs  Develop concise and trackable metrics This is an example of a worksheet we used to develop our strategies.

12 Where do we go from here?  What have we accomplished?  Are we ready to implement the plan? Step 1. Define the Purpose Step 2. Analyze the Environment Step 3. Develop Strategic Goals Step 4. Identify Obstacles Step 5. Devise and Evaluate Strategies Step 6. Assign and Prioritize Objectives Implement the Plan

13 Assign Objectives and Action Items The Team has assigned the development of Objectives and Action Items to the Dean, Associate Dean, and Department Chairs. Input for these activities and the development of metrics that will track performance to plan will be sought from stakeholders within the College.

14 Devise SMART Objectives  Specific What has to be done?  Measurable How do we know it has been done?  Accountable Who is doing it?  ResourcesWhat resources are required?  Time-PhasedWhen will it be done?

15 Prepare Action Plans  Action Plans o Detail who will do what by when. o Are a prioritized checklist of items that must be completed for an objective to be realized. o Become the working document most often referred to.  Prepare an Action Plan for each objective.  Include activities and implementation time.

16 Measure Performance and Celebrate Success!  The development of relevant metrics is critical to the successful execution of this plan.  Successful execution of key metrics merits celebration! Thank you all for making the College of Management successful!

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