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Ofsted Update Aims: to brief staff on the key changes that have happened so that we all have a shared understanding of the new expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Ofsted Update Aims: to brief staff on the key changes that have happened so that we all have a shared understanding of the new expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ofsted Update Aims: to brief staff on the key changes that have happened so that we all have a shared understanding of the new expectations.

2 General information: It is not “no notice” but is “nearly no notice”. This means that Howard will get a phone call during the afternoon of the day before. We need to ensure we have a system of letting all staff know possibly using a text system. For schools to be graded outstanding they have to have outstanding teaching. An acceptable standard of education is now considered good. Anything less will have consequences as a school!! Schools have to provide anonymised information on the outcomes of the most recent performance management of all teachers. Ofsted will be looking at progress of specific groups such as LAC, SEN, ethnic groups, G&T or FSM Four areas will be focussed on during inspections: Achievement Teaching Behaviour & Safety Leadership & Management

3 What will inspectors be looking for in a lesson observation? Students’ progress in learning – do they know what they are learning and why? Student engagement and independent and active learning – not too much of you! Lessons that focus on learning, not tasks! Variety of activities that maintain pace and progress. Range of AFL strategies to allow students to demonstrate their learning and understanding of the work. Adapt your lesson if it is not working. Do not just plough on through your lesson plan because you wrote about a series of activities. If AFL feedback shows confusion then it is better to sort this before moving on. In your lesson plan make it clear what the role of TA’s will be to show you are planning to maximise learning for all students. Manage behaviour effectively using established systems in school. Whenever possible, be explicit about literacy and numeracy opportunities. Inspectors will look in student books and expect to see whole school strategies such as the literacy marking policy being used.

4 So what do I need to do to maximise my chance of doing well in an observation? Provide a lesson plan. Make AFL opportunities explicit on it. Ensure that all books are marked regularly following departmental marking expectations. Diagnostic comments are good! Inspectors WILL look in students books! Provide a copy of your seating plan. This demonstrates you have one! Provide data for your group that illustrates progress and shows you know levels within the group. Linked to this inspectors will ask students if they know their levels or target grades. Make sure they do! With the very short notice you will not have time to sort all of the above the night before. This time will be spent writing out the lesson plan. Everything else needs to be ready to go. Inspectors will also talk to students to find out if you normally teach in this way so long established routines will be best!

5 Lesson Grade Pupil Voice Book review Observation Data Components of a lesson grade:

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