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Intermediate Band Materials and Solar Cells for Photovoltaics with High Efficiency and Reduced Cost Kick-off meeting, Madrid 7th February 2007 IBPOWER.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermediate Band Materials and Solar Cells for Photovoltaics with High Efficiency and Reduced Cost Kick-off meeting, Madrid 7th February 2007 IBPOWER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermediate Band Materials and Solar Cells for Photovoltaics with High Efficiency and Reduced Cost Kick-off meeting, Madrid 7th February 2007 IBPOWER UNott HMI Project Review (Science) IES UPM


3 IBPOWER IES UPM Outline Background The work-packages Immediate actions overview

4 IBPOWER IES UPM Background

5 IBPOWER IES UPM Background

6 IBPOWER IES UPM P = I x V I V Background

7 IBPOWER IES UPM P = I x V I V I V Background

8 IBPOWER IES UPM P = I x V I V I V Background

9 IBPOWER IES UPM P = I x V I V I V optimum (~silicon) Background

10 IBPOWER IES UPM P = I x V I V I V Background

11 IBPOWER IES UPM P = I x V I V I V Background

12 IBPOWER IES UPM P = I x V I V I V Background

13 IBPOWER IES UPM A. Luque, and A. Martí, Physical Review Letters 78, 5014 (1997). A. Luque, and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. Appl. 9, 73 (2001). n + emitter p + emitter IB material Background

14 IBPOWER IES UPM A. Luque, and A. Martí, Physical Review Letters 78, 5014 (1997). A. Luque, and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. Appl. 9, 73 (2001). n + emitter p + emitter IB material Background

15 IBPOWER IES UPM Sun V=0 R=0 A. Luque, and A. Martí, Physical Review Letters 78, 5014 (1997). A. Luque, and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. Appl. 9, 73 (2001). Background

16 IBPOWER IES UPM A. Luque, and A. Martí, Physical Review Letters 78, 5014 (1997). A. Luque, and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. Appl. 9, 73 (2001). V Sun Background

17 IBPOWER IES UPM A. Luque, and A. Martí, Physical Review Letters 78, 5014 (1997). A. Luque, and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. Appl. 9, 73 (2001). V Sun Background

18 IBPOWER IES UPM A. Luque, and A. Martí, Physical Review Letters 78, 5014 (1997). A. Luque, and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. Appl. 9, 73 (2001). V Sun eV Background

19 IBPOWER IES UPM A. Luque, and A. Martí, Physical Review Letters 78, 5014 (1997). A. Luque, and A. Martí, Progress in Photovoltaics: Res. Appl. 9, 73 (2001). 63.2 % 0.71 eV 1.24 eV 1.95 eV 40.7 % Background

20 IBPOWER IES UPM tandem of 2 IBSC: 6 gaps only one tunnel junction conventional 6 gaps tandem 5 tunnel junctions E. Antolín, A. Martí, and A. Luque, in Proc. of the 21st European Photovoltaic Energy Conference, 2006, pp. 412--415. Background


22 IBPOWER IES UPM Outline Background The work-packages Immediate actions overview

23 IBPOWER IES UPM WP1: QD-IBSC QUANTUM DOT INTERMEDIATE BAND SOLAR CELL A. Martí, L. Cuadra, and A. Luque, in NEXT GENERATION PHOTOVOLTAICS: High Efficiency through Full Spectrum Utilization (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, 2003), pp. 140.

24 IBPOWER IES UPM A. Martí, L. Cuadra, and A. Luque, in NEXT GENERATION PHOTOVOLTAICS: High Efficiency through Full Spectrum Utilization (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, 2003), pp. 140. WP1: QD-IBSC

25 IBPOWER IES UPM WP1: QD-IBSC current is not increased because dots do not absorb enough light FULLSPECTRUM (first months) IBPOWER will take over voltage recovery requires concentration IBPOWER (concentration devices) CONFIDENTIAL


27 IBPOWER IES UPM WP3: InGaN-IBSC CONFIDENTIAL Mn in high concentration Also As (arsenic)


29 IBPOWER IES UPM WP5: Characterisation & Modelling CONFIDENTIAL

30 IBPOWER IES UPM Objectives 4 intermediate band solar cells 4 objectives To manufacture XMetal-IBSCs To manufacture Thin film-IBSCs To manufacture InGaN-IBSCs To manufacture QD-IBSCs CONFIDENTIAL

31 IBPOWER IES UPM Outline Background The work-packages Immediate actions overview

32 IBPOWER IES UPM Inmediate actions Dedicated meetings, if neccesary, to  TF-IBSC (HMI&UPM-IES)  InGaN-IBSC (Unott&UPM-IES&UG)  XMetal-IBSC (Riber&UPM-IES&UG) 6 months (August 1st) year 1 WP1QD-structure grown +processed & characterised WP2TF cell manufactured + characterized WP31st InGaN test structure + characterization WP4MBE assembly well advanced + first test samples WP5complete theoretical studies (mainly InGaN and X-Metal and TF-IBSC) +characterization CONFIDENTIAL

33 IBPOWER IES UPM Intermediate Band Materials and Solar Cells for Photovoltaics with High Efficiency and Reduced Cost Kick-off meeting, Madrid 7th February 2007 IBPOWER UNott HMI Project Review (Reporting and Administration) IES UPM


35 IES UPM Gender issues a compulsory topic in the agenda

36 IBPOWER IES UPM Rules Rule 1: Make the Commission happy

37 IBPOWER IES UPM Rules Rule 1: Make the Commission delivering the deliverables on time CONFIDENTIAL

38 IBPOWER IES UPM Rules Rule 1: Make the Commission happy Rule 2: Make the Commission happier

39 IBPOWER IES UPM Rules Rule 1: Make the Commission happy Rule 2: Make the Commission achieving milestones = “scientific excellence” CONFIDENTIAL

40 IBPOWER IES UPM Rules Rule 1: Make the Commission happy Rule 2: Make the Commission happier Rule 3: Make the Commission providing financial reports

41 IBPOWER IES UPM A few words of dissemination For the general public

42 IBPOWER IES UPM A few words of dissemination For the general public For the scientific community International Journals

43 IBPOWER IES UPM A few words of dissemination For the general public For the scientific community Acknowledgment to EC External reviewing Deep thinking Precisse comunication among partners International prestige European Research International Journals

44 IBPOWER IES UPM Acknowledging This work has been supported by the European Commission through the Project IBPOWER, Grant Agreement 211640

45 IBPOWER IES UPM Guidance for reporting Will appear published in Following Annex II.4, we preview: 1. The consortium shall submit a periodic report to the Commission for each reporting period within 60 days after the end of each respective period. The reporting shall comprise: a)an overview, including a publishable summary, of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any milestones and deliverables identified in Annex I. This report should include the differences between work expected to be carried out in accordance with Annex I and that actually carried out b)an explanation of the use of the resources (we plan to send a template) c)a financial statement, from each beneficiary together with a summary financial report consolidating the claimed Community contribution of all the beneficiaries in an aggregate form, based on the information provided in Form C (Annex VI) by each beneficiary. (Can be downloaded from: Audit certificate on finantial statments (every 375000 €) Annex VII Form D (Can be downloaded from Audit certificate on methodology (requested by beneficiary and if Accepted by EC, there is no need to submit Audit Certificate on finantial statments) Annex VII Form E (Can be downloaded from Can we get Word versions for Annex VI and VII?

46 IBPOWER IES UPM Semester Report Forms (internal forms) Let’s have a look to the form: linklink can be downloaded form serves to track publications serves to collect presentations (mark as “confidential” confidential slides) serves as check list for the meeting reward: if you publish, only the presentation! CONFIDENTIAL

47 IBPOWER IES UPM Reflection It is a project of Risk but also of oportunities, for example: –Inplementing the IBSC with QDs and X-Metal IBSC application by themselves or in multistack systems. –TF-IBSC. –All InGaN solar cell. CONFIDENTIAL

48 IBPOWER IES UPM Next meeting We plan to rent a room at some Hotel during the European PV conference: September 1-5th 2008 (

49 IBPOWER IES UPM Intermediate Band Materials and Solar Cells for Photovoltaics with High Efficiency and Reduced Cost Kick-off meeting, Madrid 7th February 2007 IBPOWER UNott HMI The next six months IES UPM

50 IBPOWER IES UPM The next six months Main guideline: To progress effectively towards complete solar cell manufacturing Define structures CONFIDENTIAL

51 IBPOWER IES UPM Concentrator QD-IBSC QD-IBSCreference CONFIDENTIAL (includes figures revised during the kick-off)

52 IBPOWER IES UPM XMetal-IBSC referenceXMetal-IBSC CONFIDENTIAL (includes figures revised during the kick-off)

53 IBPOWER IES UPM InGaN-IBSC (Mn) In 0.85? Ga 0.15? N-IBSCreference CONFIDENTIAL (includes figures revised during the kick-off)

54 IBPOWER IES UPM InGaN-IBSC CONFIDENTIAL C. T. Foxon, I. Harrison, S. V. Novikov, A. J. Winser, R. P. Campion, and T. Li, "The growth and properties of GaN:As layers prepared by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy " Journal of Physics- Condensed Matter vol. 14, pp. 3383-3397, 2002.


56 IBPOWER IES UPM Summary next 6 months

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