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Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Photovoltaics research and development in EU New Member and Candidate States Stanislaw M.

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1 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Photovoltaics research and development in EU New Member and Candidate States Stanislaw M. PIETRUSZKO PV-NAS-NET Co-ordinator Warsaw University of Technology POLAND

2 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Content Overview of the PV situation in the EU New Member States PV support mechanisms in the EU new Member States Successes, challenges, needs

3 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 “Status of Photovoltaics in the Newly Associated States”  Organization of PV RTD and demo activities  Stakeholders involved in RTD  Scientific potential of NAS PV community  PV activities carried out in NAS countries  PV policies and support mechanisms  Achievements and barriers, challenges and needs to the development of PV

4 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 EU Countries* population: 376 mio. area: 3.2 mio. km 2 PV installed: ~ 588 MW *incl. CHE and NOR 8 New EU Countries plus Bulgaria and Romania population: 106 mio. area: 1.8 mio. km 2 PV installed: ~ 0.7 MW Installed PV power

5 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Installed PV power Total installed power (kW) Total installed power/capita

6 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Number of staff in the research institutions working in the field of PV RTD

7 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Funds for PV RTD and demonstration/dissemination (1996-2003) Total (14 Mio Euro) Per capita

8 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 European Total funding of the European Commission (1996 – 2003) Total funding (thousands of EUR) (5,3 mio EUR) Total funding/capita (EUR/capita)

9 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 CountryProduction of c-Si wafers Producer of solar cells Producer of modules Producer of BOS Bulgaria ICM Ltd. PlovdivEnergy Solutions, 1,5 MW (from 2005) Two SMEs for inverters Czech Republic Terosil - CZ ingots Wafertech - wafering SOLARTECSOLARTEC (0,5 MW in 2002) (in cooperation with Czech SME) Controllers - 3 SME Inverters grid-off only – 3 SME Solar Trackers Estonia Anne Oy with NAPS Hungary Dunasolar; a-Si with 3 MW in 2002 - stopped production in the middle 2003 small companies produce inverters and controllers Latvia Lithuania Venta, Vilnius (small area cells for automotive appls – Volvo) Saules Energija, Kaunas - for off-grid Poland SILIMAT - CZ ingots, wafers PV Enterprise AB subsidiary 2 MW from 2004 ITE, Cracow - controllers, inverters - small scale Romania Small scale production - by ICPE (interrupted) small scale production by ICPE -NESL and IPA S.A.; Slovakia IMCO POWER s.r.o. Bratislava Inverters 0,2 -1,3 kVA. Slovenia Industry PV activities in NAS

10 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Country RES Strategy Share of RES in Production of Electricity with Large Hydro Power - LHP (%) 1997200120052010 Bulgaria0,20,424,0 Czech Rep.Yes3,83,55,18,0 EstoniaYes0,20.35,1 HungaryYes0,70,93,6 LatviaYes42,449,3 LithuaniaYes3,37,0 PolandYes1,61,9 3,0 7,5 RomaniaYes2829,532,0 SlovakiaYes17,921,0 SloveniaYes29,931,033,6 RES share in 10 Newly Associated Countries - status and goals

11 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 RES support mechanisms in EU new members CountryFeed-in tarrifFiscal measures Soft loansSubsidiesQuota (RPS) Bulgaria 0.03 €/kWh Czech Republic 0.20 €/kWhYes Up to 30% of the investment cost Estonia Hungary Yes Latvia double average sales tariff for the electrical energy In preparationYes Lithuania 0.056 EUR/kWh Poland Yes 2.85% in 2004, up to 7.5% in 2010 Romania Yes 1% - 2001 5% - 2010 (without LHP) Slovakia Income tax exemption Yes Slovenia Up to 36 kW - 0,37 EUR/ kWh Above 36 kW- 0,065 EUR/ kWh CO 2 taxYes

12 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 SUCCESSES high intellectual potential establishing Centres of Excellence international networking increasing number of demonstration projects increasing number of off-grid systems „ Sun to Schools” in Czech Republic „Development of Photovoltaics for Energy Needs” in Poland

13 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Obligations arising from White Paper (12% RES) and Directive 2001/77/EC (22,1% E-RES) in 2010 enlargement of the EU by 10 states dedicated support for PV throughout the whole Europe improvement of the coherence of New Members and EU PV RTD activities on PV CHALLENGES

14 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 BARRIERS absence of clear strategy on RES development Low awarness of solar option - PV is “at the end” of RES “die hard” prejudices weak national RTD funding lack of the real PV market strong fossil fuels lobby

15 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 CONCLUSIONS photovoltaics may develop in NAS awareness should be increased in society and among the key decision makers. the legal and market framework should be developed and strengthened NMS can effectively deploy their potential and contribute to corroborate and extend the European leadership in the advanced technologies research and industry.

16 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Improvement of the coherence of NAS activities and EU PV RTD programmes on photovoltaics Formulation of the recommendations for PV RTD programming in NAS and EC PV-NAS-NET FP5 contract no ENK5-CT-2002-80646

17 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004 Poland - Warsaw Univ. of Technology (WUT) Bulgaria - Lab. of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources (CL SENES) Czech Rep. - SOLARTEC Estonia - Tallinn Technical Univ. (TTU) Hungary - Solart-System Ltd. Latvia - Inst. of Physical Energetics (IPE LAS) Lithuania - Semiconductor Physics Institute (SPI) Romania - Romanian (National) Agency for Renewable Energy (NARE) Slovakia - Slovak Univ. of Technology (SUT) Slovenia - Energy Restructuring Agency (APE) Netherlands - Novem B.V. Swizerland - NET Ltd Austria - Arsenal Greece - CRES Finland - NAPS PARTICIPANTS

18 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko, PV Centre, Poland Warsaw, 07.10.2004

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