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Management, Population and Marketing of institutional repositories. Collaboration. Iryna Kuchma, eIFL Open Access program manager, Presented at.

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Presentation on theme: "Management, Population and Marketing of institutional repositories. Collaboration. Iryna Kuchma, eIFL Open Access program manager, Presented at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management, Population and Marketing of institutional repositories. Collaboration. Iryna Kuchma, eIFL Open Access program manager, Presented at Open Access: Maximising Research Quality and Impact, October 29 – 30, 2009 University of Malawi, Kamuzu College of Nursing, Lilongwe

2 Open repositories value Author: Long-term preservation usage statistic personal web-pages identification/profile/projects/competence/ social/professional expertise – networking and information retrieval (e.g. up-to-date CV & publications list), re-use tracking

3 Open repositories value Repository manager: intelligent submission advanced and enhanced metrics automatic version management

4 Open repositories value User: Trailing other searches social tagging localization in the map of science (knowledge map), semantically enhanced publications to automatically extract the data set personal comments as bookmarks/memory aids/relevance statement (searchable attribute), automatic citation generation wish list and request notification mobile access to repositories (to-t-s) projects social maps

5 Open repositories value Visualization of Networks: Persons, Projects, Publications, Ideas, Geography Easy depositing: Metadata extraction, Version linkage, Object extraction Repository personalization: Mark documents, Comment documents

6 Open repositories value Gratification mechanisms: Feedback, Statistic, Work assistance, Re-use display Dissolution of system boundaries: Linking, Work integration, Communication devices, Collaboration Transparent system behavior

7 Open repositories value Thanks to break-out session: Access Data Mining: A new foundation for Added-value services in full text repositories at CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI 6), June 16-20, 2009

8 Malawi 1.Open access institutional repositories – structure: departments / subjects, Greenstone, DSpace 2.A national platform: Subject areas, LOC classification 3.For researchers without institutional repositories – the Depot

9 Malawi 2 1.OA policies in the institutions 2.Technical expertise in the institutions 3.National policy and national platform – National Commission for Science and Technology – support from Universities and research organisations (technical support, consultations from the librarians)

10 Action Plan National working group – who volunteers? – Dickson B. Vuwa Phiri Kondwani Wella Fanny Mthuzi H. Gausi Charlie Maere K. Kasambara Y. Chimbalanga + other stakeholders – researchers, ICT, etc Working groups in the participating institutions – how many? Draft project description.

11 Malawi 3 Needs: Hardware; training; connectivity; software support; copyright consultations; partnerships; approaching University and research organisations management; advocacy; marketing channels

12 Malawi 3 Your contribution? Content – e.g. ETDs, research papers; expertise; time; When can we start? As soon as possible mid November? Min. 1 year 1 st of July – work year begins

13 Malawi 3 Documents 1. OA policies 2. Repository policies 3. Business plans 4. Marketing materials 5. Training materials 6. Instructions to expose the content (e.g. google indexing, directories, search engines, etc.) 6. Reports generating systems

14 Thank you! Questions? Iryna Kuchma iryna.kuchma[at]; The presentation is licensed with Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

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