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COMPONENT 3A: COMMUNICATING WITH STUDENTS Framework for Teaching Domain 3: Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPONENT 3A: COMMUNICATING WITH STUDENTS Framework for Teaching Domain 3: Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPONENT 3A: COMMUNICATING WITH STUDENTS Framework for Teaching Domain 3: Instruction

2 Common Language

3 Domain 3: Instruction Component 3a: Communicating with Students

4 Framework Overview

5 Looking Closer at 3A: Communicating with Students Expectations for Learning Directions and Procedures Explanation of Content Use of Oral and Written Language

6 3A: Communicating with Students The centerpiece of the framework is student engagement, which is defined not as "busy" or "on task", but as "intellectually active. Learning Target--I will explain the elemental differences between the performance levels in the rubric for 3a

7 What does this look like? Indicators include: clarity of lesson purpose clear directions and procedures specific to the lesson activities absence of content errors and clear explanations of concepts and strategies correct and imaginative use of language

8 Activity 1 Task 1-Examine the handout that shows the rubric for 3a. Take one minute to underline or highlight what you feel are key words in the level 3 and 4 descriptions. (top row only) Task 2-Now factor in the row of critical attributes and possible examples. With a partner, agree on three key differences between these two levels.

9 Activity 2 Watch the video relating to 3A and determine if it best fits a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4.

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