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Advertising, Sales Promotion, & Public Relations Chapter 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising, Sales Promotion, & Public Relations Chapter 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising, Sales Promotion, & Public Relations Chapter 17

2 Advertising Types Product Advertisements Product Advertisements Pioneering Competitive Reminder Institutional Advertisements Institutional Advertisements Advocacy Pioneering Institutional Competitive Institutional Reminder Institutional Source:

3 Developing the Program Identifying the Target Audience Identifying the Target Audience Specifying Advertising Objectives Specifying Advertising Objectives Setting the Advertising Budget Setting the Advertising Budget Designing the Advertisement Designing the Advertisement Types of appeals Types of appeals Creating the Message Creating the Message

4 Developing the Program Selecting the Right Media Selecting the Right Media Two goals of media selection Two goals of media selection Maximize ________ Maximize ________ Minimize _________ Minimize _________ Reach Reach Rating Rating Gross Rating Points Gross Rating Points

5 Developing the Program Different media Different media Television Television Radio Radio Magazines Magazines 10.3% of global ad spending 10.3% of global ad spending Newspapers Newspapers Internet Internet 12.6% of global ad spending 12.6% of global ad spending Advergaming Advergaming Outdoor Outdoor Cell phones Cell phones Source: advertising/

6 Developing the Program Scheduling the Advertising Scheduling the Advertising Three factors Three factors Buyer turnover Buyer turnover Purchase frequency Purchase frequency Forgetting rate Forgetting rate Three approaches Three approaches Continuous Continuous Flighting Flighting Pulse Pulse

7 Executing the Advertising Pretesting Pretesting Portfolio tests Portfolio tests Jury tests Jury tests Theater tests Theater tests Carrying out the Advertising Carrying out the Advertising Full-service agency Full-service agency Limited-service agency Limited-service agency In-house agency In-house agency

8 Evaluating the Advertising Posttesting the Advertising Posttesting the Advertising Aided recall Aided recall Unaided recall Unaided recall Attitude test Attitude test Inquiry test Inquiry test Sales test Sales test Making Needed Changes Making Needed Changes

9 Sales Promotion $100 billion annually $100 billion annually Consumer-Oriented Promotions Consumer-Oriented Promotions Coupons Coupons Deals Deals Premiums Premiums Contests Contests Sweepstakes Sweepstakes Samples Samples Continuity programs Continuity programs Point-of-purchase displays Point-of-purchase displays Rebates Rebates Product Placement Product Placement Source: Source:



12 Sales Promotions Trade-Oriented Promotions Trade-Oriented Promotions Allowances and discounts Allowances and discounts Cooperative advertising Cooperative advertising Training of Distributors’ Salesforces Training of Distributors’ Salesforces

13 Public Relations Public relations tools Public relations tools New-product publicity New-product publicity Consumer Education Consumer Education Sponsorships Sponsorships Company websites Company websites Publicity tools Publicity tools News Release News Release News Conference News Conference Public Service Announcements Public Service Announcements Source:

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