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THE KENYA MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE A Brief Case Study of the Institutional Repository.

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Presentation on theme: "THE KENYA MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE A Brief Case Study of the Institutional Repository."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE KENYA MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE A Brief Case Study of the Institutional Repository

2 INTRODUCTION KEMRI Repository began its growth with the establishment of the institute in 1979 KEMRI Repository began its growth with the establishment of the institute in 1979 The Digital repository began building up around 2000. The Digital repository began building up around 2000. KEMRI has 10 Research Centres and hosts two programmes the Graduate school and EASCIPAC (Centre for parasitic Control KEMRI has 10 Research Centres and hosts two programmes the Graduate school and EASCIPAC (Centre for parasitic Control

3 KEMRI REPOSITORY The KEMRI Library houses the Institutional Digital Repository The KEMRI Library houses the Institutional Digital Repository The Library uses FOSS The Library uses FOSS –CDS/ISIS (WINISIS) –Greenstone for the end user.

4 The Repository It contains; KEMRI Publications (Peer reviewed journal articles by KEMRI researchers) KEMRI Publications (Peer reviewed journal articles by KEMRI researchers) Manuscripts forwarded to the AFRICAN Journal of Health Sciences for review before publication. Manuscripts forwarded to the AFRICAN Journal of Health Sciences for review before publication.

5 CONT; Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings Thesis and Dissertations Thesis and Dissertations Electronic Catalogue Electronic Catalogue –Books –Journals –Reports

6 CONT; African Index Medicus (AIM) Database. African Index Medicus (AIM) Database. International Index to African Health literature Its a joint collaboration of the WHO/AFRO and AHILA Its a joint collaboration of the WHO/AFRO and AHILA Upload data in the AIM that uses the same system (WWWISIS) Upload data in the AIM that uses the same system (WWWISIS)

7 SUSTAINABILITY Subject Libraries-Centre Repositories Subject Libraries-Centre Repositories (Kisumu,Busia,CPHR,CRDR and Wellcome Trust Kilifi) Policy; Policy; All Researchers requested to submit Thesis/dissertations to library All conference proceedings and Reports are also presented to the Library. All Departmental Reports are also forwarded to the Library

8 CNT; Use of FOSS Use of FOSS Create awareness through; Create awareness through; Training, Library Bulletins CHALLENGES Equipment; Computers Equipment; Computers Management Support; ICT among others Management Support; ICT among others

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