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INTERNET PASSWORD abcde12345. Situation analysis NCD in Suriname Director of Health Drs M. Eersel.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNET PASSWORD abcde12345. Situation analysis NCD in Suriname Director of Health Drs M. Eersel."— Presentation transcript:


2 Situation analysis NCD in Suriname Director of Health Drs M. Eersel

3 Overview Mortality NCD Risk factors Hospitalisations National Strategic NCD plan: –Priority areas –Activities 9/15/2015 3

4 4

5 Causes of death in Suriname, 2011 9/15/20155

6 70 %  No regular exercise 40 %  waiste to big 40 %  obesity 20%  Morbide obesity (BMI > 30) 20 %  high cholesterol 30 %  smoking 35 %  Alcohol misbruik Risk factors Source: Population research 2001 (15 – 55 years)

7 Deaths due to DM, 2005 – 2011 ( Bron: BOG) 9/15/20157

8 Hospitalised Diabetics by Age category in AZP, 2007-2010

9 Myocard Infarct admissions in AZP by year

10 Myocard Infarct admissions in AZP by gender and ethnicity

11 Hospital admissions AZP, 2007 - 2010 Average age Myocard InfarctionAverage age CVA

12 Result in tertiary Care: Number of Dialysis patients, 1997 -2008 2013: 350 patients Costs (only dialyses):350x3x550x52= 30 million srd

13 ACTION National NCD plan, 2012 – 2016: –Public Policy and Advocacy –Health Promotion and Disease Prevention –Integrated Management of Chronic Diseases and Risk Factors –Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation

14 Activities Public Policy and Advocacy NCD plan Dedicated government budget for NCD Different presentation for the members of parlement Establish multi-sectoral commission

15 Activities Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Development and implementation Smoke law in accordance with FTCT Tabacco cessation campaign Different physical activity promoting activities General health promoting campaigns Working towards dietary (e.g salt intake) restrictions

16 Activities Integrated Management of Chronic Diseases and Risk Factors Development treatment protocols Opening “One Stop Shop (OSS) for Chronic diseases” Refresher courses regarding NCD for health care workers Plan for Cervical cancer

17 Activities Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation STEPS: after 10 years a population survey looking at risk factors Cancer registry NCD M&E plan Working towards: diabetic and dialysis registries


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