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Lecture 3 Survival analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 3 Survival analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 3 Survival analysis

2 The slang Current life table Cohort life table
What is the life time now? Cohort life table What is the life time of this group?

3 Problem Do patients survive longer after treatment A than after treatment B? Possible solutions: ANOVA on mean survival time? ANOVA on median survival time? Survival analysis Aka. Actuarial / life table analysis

4 The example

5 Person-year of observation
In total: days ~ 41.4y 11 patients died: 11/41.4y = y-1 26.6 death/100y 1000 patients in 1 y or 100 patients in 10y

6 Mortality rates 11 of 25 patients died 11/25 = 44%
When is the analysis done?

7 1-year survival rate 6 patients dies the first year
25 patients started 24%

8 1-year survival rate 3 patients less than 1 year 6/(25-3) = 27%
24% -27%

9 Actuarial / life table anelysis
Patients on dialysis 180 day pariods

10 Actuarial / life table anelysis
Ni number of patients starting a given period

11 Actuarial / life table anelysis
Wi number of patients that have not yet been in the study long enough to finish this period

12 Actuarial / life table anelysis
Number exposed to risk: ni – wi/2 Assuming that patients withdraw in the middle of the period on average.

13 Actuarial / life table anelysis
di : Number of patients that died

14 Actuarial / life table anelysis
qi = di/(ni – wi/2) Proportion of patients terminating in the period

15 Actuarial / life table anelysis
pi = 1 - qi Proportion of patients surviving

16 Actuarial / life table anelysis
Si = pi pi-1 ...pi-N Cumulative proportion of surviving Conditional probability

17 Survival curves How long will a dialysis patient survive?

18 A few concerns Withdrawals are assumed to happen at time midpoints
Kaplan Meiers method will fix this The probability of surviving a period is treated as if it is independent of survival of other periods.

19 Kaplan-Meier product limit method
Changes in the survival curve are calculated when an event occurs Withdrawals are ignored as events

20 Kaplan-Meier Simple example with only 4 ”death-events”.

21 Confidence of survival curves
Standard Error (SE) Assumed to be normally distributed 95% confidence is 1.96*SE

22 Confidence interval of the Kaplan-Meier method

23 The Kaplan-Meier method

24 Actuarial and Kaplan-Meier Survival curves
0.6117 Kaplan-Meier 0.6154

25 Comparing survival curves

26 Comparing survival curves
Two principle methods Logrank statistics Mantel Haenszel chi-square statistics

27 Logrank statistics

28 Logrank statistics

29 Hazard ratio

30 Mantel Haenszel chi-square statistics

31 Mantel Haenszel chi-square statistics

32 Hazard function

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