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Dr Mike Civil Clinical Co-Lead, Primary Care Health Network Welcome and overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Mike Civil Clinical Co-Lead, Primary Care Health Network Welcome and overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Mike Civil Clinical Co-Lead, Primary Care Health Network Welcome and overview

2 What is Primary Care? From a patient’s perspective


4 Health Care System

5 PATIENTS Primary Care - outside of hospitals Tertiary Care - hospital based care

6 General Practice Allied Health Providers Private Public Hospital Sector Tertiary Care ED Outpatients ML’s PATIENTS Specialist Services Private Hospital

7 General Practice Allied Health Providers Private Public Hospital Sector Tertiary Care ED Outpatients ML’s PATIENTS Specialist Services Private Hospital

8 General Practice Allied Health Providers Private Public Hospital Sector Tertiary Care ED Outpatients ML’s PATIENTS Specialist Services Private Hospital

9 General Practice Allied Health Providers Private Public Hospital Sector Tertiary Care ED Outpatients ML’s PATIENTS Specialist Services Private Hospital

10 General Practice Allied Health Providers Private Public Hospital Sector Tertiary Care ED Outpatients ML’s PATIENTS Specialist Services Private Hospital

11 Patient Journey 1. Nicholas 72 year old male patient, who has been my patient for many years. He sees me regularly. Multiple Medical problems and many contacts with the Health Care system. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Chronic renal failure, now dependent on dialysis Peripheral vascular disease, initially foot ulcers, eventually leading to multiple infections, and loss of his lower limbs bilaterally Neuropathic pain and phantom limb pain Chronic Pancreatitis

12 Patient Journey 2. Nicola 48 year old female patient, who has been my patient for many years. She sees me regularly. She has had a complex psycho social history and marked distress in her life. Anxiety Domestic physical abuse and violence victim Social phobia Socially isolated from family Difficulties holding down a job Minimal other financial or other supports

13 Patient Journey 3. Nic 2 year old male patient, who family has been with the practice for many years. Nic’s mother is concerned about his development and speech. No past medical history or family history of note No other medical issues or concerns Physical development completely normal

14 Common Themes Many themes captured in WA Health Primary Care Strategy 2011 Effective integration, engagement, communication, partnerships Patient centered and patient focused Reduced fragmentation and duplication Consistent, standardised approach and delivery Awareness of available services Efficient access pathways and timely access to available services

15 Today An opportunity to review how Primary Care is delivered in WA An opportunity to consider how the introduction of Primary Health Networks can improve the delivery of care to our patients An opportunity to network with many of the different services involved in Primary Care An opportunity to hear from these different services and appreciate how we can work in synchrony to achieve these aims

16 Primary Care Forum Presentations from across the WA and National Health Care Sector Panel Discussion and Plenary session - Developing Effective Partnerships between Primary and Acute Care There are a number of Poster Displays that can be viewed over lunch Workshops Demand Management Integration Communication System Financing and Performance Feedback All delegates will receive a report of forum outcomes highlighting the opportunities identified through the workshops The forum report will guide WA Health Primary Care Health Network in the implementation of the WA Primary Care Strategy

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